In a previous conversation I mentioned that as well as preferring Kpop to Jpop on the whole, I also find the latter difficult to locate and follow.
One resource I do use for the discovery of new Jpop is the round up of new Jpop releases that Nick James writes every Sunday on his blog otherwise devoted to Kpop, The Bias List:
My main reason for following that blog is my finding the author's tastes and interests overlap with, but are not identical to, my own and his ability to write about kpop in an informed , lively, and mature fashion. He also has some excellent commenters on his site too.
Do you know The Bias List? if you do , please forgive me for clogging up your timeline!
@jemmesedi Oh my gosh, I don't know about the bias list I'll check it out. Honestly I'm getting more than enough new music each week via KpopMonday, and our little Hallyu-Fedi posse. I do try to watch all the MV's, but if I don't always reply/react, it's not because I don't appreciate the suggestions. I love a lot of the songs you've posted
I know that it's easy to get overwhelmed with Kpop MVs.
The sheer productivity of the industry is remarkable in itself, but then you get fans like me who have to exercise heroic self restraint so that they do not end up drowning others' timelines with Kpop postings.
But do check out The Bias List if you have a spare moment, because intelligent adult reviews of kpop are few and far between.