This is competence.
Champion of the 99% and it´s entirely possible that most of them had no idea.
Tagging fellow Lina Khan fan @pluralistic but we should all be Lina Khan fans…
@danhugo @pluralistic Lina Khan is my hero. The FTC had been asleep at the wheel for decades. Under her leadership it made great strides to improve competition from technology to employment law.
I hope it won't be as long before we have another strong FTC head.
@jongranrose @danhugo @pluralistic Counterpoint: Lina Khan was pretty wrong-headed to go after Apple for its store pricing policies (15% for most, 30% for some) but not Microsoft, Sony, or Steam for nearly identical policies. Don't aim to punish specific organizations with laws -- apply the law neutrally across all parties who violate.
Please provide details of the circumstances that initiated the Apple investigation.
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