Bernie Sanders held a roundtable with first responders in Burlington on Monday, hoping to address their challenges and secure federal support. Topics discussed included recruitment, pay, training, and equipment. Vermont’s congressional delegation is supporting a bill that would guarantee payment for first responders, even if they do not transport someone to the hospital. Representative Becca Balint has introduced a similar bill in the House.
Source: WTSA News, Brattleboro, Tuesday, January 30, 2024.
This is an initiative that I certainly support. God knows what might have happened. I make no such claim. It is entirely possible, though, that a Golden Cross rescue team may have saved my life in May 2023.
#beccabalint #berniesanders #brattleboro #burlingtonvermont #democrats #firstresponders #goldencross #goldencrossrescue #paramedics #wtsa #wtsanews