My latest post on the weeper that is Incompreso / Vita col figlio / Misunderstood (1966), with #AnthonyQuayle...

My latest post on the weeper that is Incompreso / Vita col figlio / Misunderstood (1966), with #AnthonyQuayle...
I just watched The Guns of Navarone (J. Lee Thompson, 1961) and rated it 5/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastodon #TheGunsOfNavarone #JLeeThompson #GregoryPeck #DavidNiven #AnthonyQuinn #AnthonyQuayle
Nominated for 10 #Oscars including Best actor nods for #RichardBurton, #GenevièveBujold, + #AnthonyQuayle. The story of Anne Boleyn
#AnneoftheThousandDays (1969) -
Jan 11: Favorite Noir
#HappyJanuaryMovieChallenge #FilmMastodon
#TheWrongMan (1956)
In 1953, an innocent man named Christopher Emanuel "Manny" Balestrero is arrested after being mistaken for an armed robber.
#FilmNoir #HenryFonda #VeraMiles #AnthonyQuayle
#IStandCondemed (35) #Pygmalion (38) #SunUp (39) #Hamlet (48)
#Saraband (48) #OhRosalinda (55) #TheWrongMan (56) #IceColdInAlex (58) #ItTakesAThief (60) #TheGunsOfNavarone (61) #LawrenceOfArabia (62) #DamTheDefiant (62) #TheFallOfTheRomanEmpire (64) #EastOfSudan (64)
#Misunderstood (66) #MackennasGold (69) #AnneOfTheThousandDays (69) #Buster (88) #KingOfTheWind (90) #TheThiefAndTheCobbler (93)
#AnthonyQuayle (1913-1989)
#KnightsOfFilm #FilmMastodon