Coffeecat Zen sniffing out my crutches. #Backtoblack #Amsterdam #coffee
Coffeecat Zen sniffing out my crutches. #Backtoblack #Amsterdam #coffee
Die 5 besten Biopics
Make it real! Heute wollen wir von euch die 5 besten Biopics aufgelistet haben. Dies schließt gerne auch Dokumentationen mit ein. Wichtig ist, dass die Story wirklich auf eine Person beruhen muss und nicht nur lose an irgendwelche Memoiren angelehnt.
I have indeed been watching #BackToBlack2025 but haven't had much to say about the runs here. It's a very cozy marathon, though, folx just doin' their thing, going fast, loving their community.
The smack-talk during the TMNT 3v3 race was unreal. One of the team leaders gave an introductory monologue to the race in an impression of Hulk Hogan, and the other yawned and said she had just done her taxes in the time the intro took when it was her turn to introduce the race. A daring smack-talk gamble, but it back-fired when the bit returned during post-game bragging by the winners of the race while the other team completed their run.
I haven't checked in with a lot of #GamesDoneQuick events that aren't the main winter/summer events, but they are currently hosting the #BackToBlack event of Black speedrunning organization Black in a Flash. The event proceeds benefit the Race Forward charity.
I think I'll be tuning into this one some over the weekend, posts will go under this one in a thread such as I do.
#MoviesAndSeriesBasedOnATrueStory #FilmMastodon
#BackToBlack (2024)
The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time.