A few of the gorgeous interiors and landscapes of “Barry Lyndon”
#TCMParty #BarryLyndon #StanleyKubrick
A few of the gorgeous interiors and landscapes of “Barry Lyndon”
#TCMParty #BarryLyndon #StanleyKubrick
tbh, I usually can’t stand Ryan O’Neal but I like this film so much that I don’t mind him
#TCMParty #BarryLyndon
It’s all fun and games until someone gets a minor head wound
#TCMParty #BarryLyndon
Here for “Barry Lyndon”
#TCMParty #BarryLyndon #StanleyKubrick
I finally got tired of watching the garbage streaming services have been churning out, so I dusted off an old list of movies I’ve never seen but really should. Since Kubrick is one of my favorite directors, I’m ashamed I’ve never watched #BarryLyndon. It’s long, but totally worth it—and if you can get your hands on the Criterion Collection version, be sure to check out the nerdy DVD extras. #Kubrick was on another level!
Dec 10: Candle is lit
#Bales2023FilmChallenge #FilmMastodon
#BarryLyndon (1975)
In Memory of #RyanONeal
Arguably the best film to feature candle cinematography from Stanley Kubrick in multiple scenes. #RIPRyanONeal
Yesterday's #GuessTheMovieBuilding
#BarryLyndon (1975)
The scene for the duel between Barry Lyndon and Bullingdon.
In reality, Somerset Rural Life Museum, Abbey Farm, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK
#Architecture #FilmArchitecture #FilmMastodon
Yesterday's #GuessTheMovieBuilding
Has appeared in a nos of films including :
#TombRaider (2018)
#MrsBrown (1997)
#TheMusicLovers (1971)
#PrideAndPrejudice (2005)
#BarryLyndon (1975)
#SenseAndSensibility (2005)
#TheMadnessOfKingGeorge (1994)
#TheYoungVictoria (2009)
In reality, Wilton House, Wilton Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK
#Architecture #FilmArchitecture #FilmMastodon
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#MichaelHordern (1911-1995)
#KnightsOfFilm #FilmMastodon