"Dirty Work" is a song written by #DonaldFagen and #WalterBecker of #SteelyDan, which appeared on the band's 1972 debut album #CantBuyAThrill.
"Dirty Work" is a song written by #DonaldFagen and #WalterBecker of #SteelyDan, which appeared on the band's 1972 debut album #CantBuyAThrill.
"Do It Again" is a 1972 song composed and performed by American rock group #SteelyDan, who released it as a single from their debut album #CantBuyAThrill as its opening track. The #singleVersion differed from the album version, shortening the intro and outro and omitting the organ solo. Released in 1972, the song debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 on November 18, 1972, and reached number 6 on the US charts in 1973, making it Steely Dan's second highest-charting single.
Saturday nighty night ear worm: after hearing a pretty good Madison, Wisconsin-based Steely Dan tribute band earlier this evening, I kinda have some of their tuneage on the brain, this being some of it.
The Tuesday nighty night jam: these guys nail this tune.