The global search facility in my new #NortonGuide reader is coming along nicely. The main workings of it are done. Now the tinkering and tweaking of the look/feel begins...
Há algum tempo, usei DOSBox para executar um programa escrito em dBase/Clipper na década de 1990 como passatempo. Deparei-me com o executável, mas o código-fonte ainda está perdido. Fiz um vídeo na ocasião:
Lembrei agora a época em que a gente "emulava" uma máquina dentro da outra, da mesma arquitetura mesmo, antes da virtualização...
GitHub - refly-ai/refly: Refly is an open-source AI-native creation engine. Its intuitive free-form canvas interface combines multi-threaded dialogues, artifact, AI knowledge base integration, chrome extension clip & save, contextual memory, intelligent search, WYSIWYG AI editor and more, empowering you to effortlessly transform ideas into production-ready content.
An issue with some #NortonGuide files is they use colour attributes that assume the original Norton Guide application colour scheme. Won't play well with my app's themes.
Woke up this morning thinking I didn't like how I'd done the see-also handling in the new #NortonGuide viewer. Dropped the pop-up menu and went with a more classic approach...
The basics of guide navigation are now in place; and most of the rendering is working fine too (one possible #Textual bug aside). Next up is see-also support.