Check out the lyrics for the song “Deck the Halls” by Christmas Songs
#ChristmasSongs #DeckTheHalls
A bunch of #dill kept fresh in water on our counter made me think it looked a lot like xmas, so I got a couple of cranberries out of the freezer.
Boom - edible seasonal decor.
Cuba L.A. // #CubaLA //
Deck The Halls
[album Navidad Cubana, 2000]
//via // #NaradaWorld //
#brandunbrand #music #youtube #CubaLA #NavidadCubana #DeckTheHalls #DaniloLozano #LuisEric #HarryKim #FranciscoTorres #PabloMendez #AlbertoSalas #CarlosPuerto #OrestesVilato #MichitoSanchez #LuisConte
link youtube:
#HappyBirthday #dannydevito #actor #taxi #alwayssunnyinphiladelphia #oneflewoverthecuckosnest #throwmommafromthetrain #twins #thewaroftheroses #BatmanReturns #junior #matilda #SpaceJam #marsattack #laconfidential #bigfish #DecktheHalls #wheninrome #jumanji #Dumbo #TheNextLevel #Hercules #TheLorax #Smallfoot #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice @streammaxla
#HappyBirthday #gillianvigman #actress #comedian #DrTAna #startrek #LowerDecks #madtv #sonsanddaughters #suburgatory #NewGirl #DecktheHalls #thehangover #aliensintheattic #forevermygirl #theholdovers #thedefenders #supernatural #AdventuresinBabysitting #Roswell #newmexico #TheSexLivesofCollegeGirls #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @hbomaxla