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Life lesson from Facebook:
Over the past 24 hours a friend and I have been having deep, but civil, discussion on politics.
It was apparent that politically I am definately left and they are absolute right, even to the point of defending Trump, Musk, & Cabinet.
After receiving a book length almost rant from them, I wrote something different back and this conversation happened:

Me: Let's agree to disagree, and leave it there.
We are far better friends when we chat about tech etc.
I am not willing to jeopardize what we already have.

Friend: On another note, treasure every day you are allowed to spend with your loved ones.   I have been missing my husband a lot lately.

Me: Now that's the friend I know and love.

There is hope in our needed discussions, as long as we keep it civil and personally respectful.
I will probably never understand their point of view, nor they mine, but you know what? It's fine.

#SocialMedia #Politics #Civil #Discussion

uvodnik: MARKSIZEM IN VOJNA // Inštitut za delavske študije

PLAC, Linhartova 43, Wednesday, March 19 at 06:00 PM GMT+1

Marksistična misel in komunistična politična praksa sta se prvotno utemeljili na skupnem položaju delavskega razreda v kapitalizmu, na razrednem boju, ki presega nacionalne meje in lokalne nacionalizme, ter na ideji svetovne revolucije. Kljub temu sta se nenehno soočali z vojnimi razmerami, ki so zapletale, a obenem tudi poglabljale njune nazore in prizadevanja. Delavski razredi različnih dežel so bili kljub sorodnemu ekonomskemu položaju podvrženi vojnemu hujskaštvu in medsebojnim spopadom, razredni boj se je prelevil v narodnoosvobodilne boje, svetovna revolucija pa v revolucijo izoliranih realsocialističnih držav, ki so jih nenehno ogrožali pritiski zunanjih, zlasti kapitalističnih sovražnic.

Uvodno predavanje IDŠ-jevega letnika o vojni bo namenjeno premisleku o transformativni vlogi vojne v zgodovini marksizma, ki ji lahko sledimo od Marxa in Engelsa, preko Lenina in Stalina ter vse do Maa Cetunga.
Predavanje Uroša Mikanoviča, Nejca Kralja in Arneta Kušeja bo v sredo, 19. marca 2025, ob 18:00 v prostorih @avtonomni_plac .


magies aberrations et mécaniques poétiques de suzanne doppelt: colloque international (18-20 mars 2025, rome). en présence de l’auteure

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

PDF: https://slowforward.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/doppelt_programme_pdf.pdf

una traduzione recente in italiano:

Episode 262 - A discussion with Loris and Pop from Sysdig

Josh and Kurt talk to Loris Degioanni and Dan from Sysdig. Sysdig are the minds behind Falco, an amazing open source runtime security engine. We talk about where their technology came from, they huge code donation to the CNCF and what securing a modern infrastructure looks like today. Show Notes Sysdig Falco Loris' Twitter Dan "Pop" Popandrea's Twitter Sysdig contributes Falco’s kernel module, eBPF probe, and libraries to the CNCF pdig Sysdig 2021 container security and usage report: Shifting left is not enough