Paul Leonard-Morgan "She's A Pass" #DREDD
Paul Leonard-Morgan "She's A Pass" #DREDD
Great news for Law Enforcement and American Justice! Justice, Law and Order will be brought back to America, and quickly.
Watching "Dredd" (2012) on - such a good film, with an absolutely *stonking* soundtrack! #movies #moviereview #whattowatch #KarlUrban #Dredd #2000ad
Here it comes... another make or break WI election. Big $$$ pouring in for Judges.
The "Jailscraper" is a nickname given to the planned 305-foot tall jail in New York's Chinatown, when completed will extend two to three blocks in all directions and could become the tallest jail in the world.
This thing is not only real, it's a real life Halls of Justice ripped from Judge Dredd.
Some cities are speed running to the finish line to become the first real life Mega-City One.
Alleine zuhause und schaue #JudgeDredd (1995). Ich mag den 2012er #Dredd mit Karl Urban in der Hauptrolle auch sehr, aber die Stallone-Version ist eindeutig comichafter - und auch ethisch spannender, find ich. Das Thema "Repression vs. Freiheit" kommt viel stärker durch und die ziemlich problematische Position der Judges steht im Mittelpunkt, während der neuere Urban-Film ja eher ein lokales Drogenkrieg-Rache-Action-Spektakel ist.
Oh yeah, thanks cat for waking me up. I was dreaming I was in a shop looking at a small magazine that was a mixture of 2000AD and C64 news, with great illustrations and Judge Dredd stories. I was about to buy it when your meowing woke me up.
Now she's purring and being adorable.
15. Dredd
Oli pakko katsella alkuperäisen elokuvan perään uudempi otanta Dreddistä. En ollut tätä aiemmin nähnyt.
Tässä oli mielestäni kuvattu paljon paremmin Dreddin brutaali ja ankea maailma kuin Stallonen meiningissä. Carl Urban tekee Dreddin roolissa hyvää työtä, alkaen siitä ettei ota koskaan kypärää pois päästään (kuten Dredd ei tee sarjakuvissa). Kaverilla on koko leffan ajan myös Dreddille ominainen irvistys kasvoillaan.
Ihan kelpoa räimettä.
#happybirthday @IAMLenaHeadey #lenaheadey #actress #300RiseofanEmpire #gamesofthrones #9Bullets #GunpowderMilkshake #Beacon23 #TheFlood #WhiteHousePlumbers #prideandprejudiceandzombies #themortalinstruments #TheJungleBook #Terminator #TheSarahConnorChronicles #Dredd #ThePurge #Trollhunters #MastersoftheUniverse #Revelation
#happybirthday @karlurban #KarlUrban #actor #mccoy #startrek #intodarkess #beyond #xena #theboys #genV #lordoftherings #thetwotowers #thererturnoftheking #doom #priest #TheChroniclesofRiddick #riddick #dredd #thorragnarok #AlmostHuman #PetesDragon #ActsofVengeance #Hangman #Bent #startrek57 @trekcore
#Dredd (2012)
In a violent, futuristic city where the police have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, a cop teams with a trainee to take down a gang that deals the reality-altering drug, SLO-MO.
#CarChaseInMovies #FilmMastodon
#Dredd (2012)
Judge Dredd responds to the call and takes down a group of wanted criminals who shoot at him and take out an innocent civilian.
The movie #Dredd was released 11 years ago
''Negotiation's over. Sentence is death.''
I don’t usually wishcast for pop culture stuff, but seeing the 2012 #Dredd movie go to Amazon, Amazon spending a shitton of money on #ringsofpower, them having the TV version of #TheBoys, and Karl Urban having connections to #lotr and #theboys, plus being the perfect Dredd in the 2012 movie, makes me hope Amazon would be willing to make a year or two of a #Dredd series. Hopefully they could get Olivia Thirlby back to play Anderson.
Rewatching #Dredd - DC looked a lot like Mega-City One the last few days.
Also, Karl Urbana’s accent noticeably changes from Kiwi to British to American in the first minute of the film.
Still, this is a great movie. A midlife pickup for me, and I regret not seeing it in theaters when I had a chance. A sequel would be great if they could get everyone back.
#NowWatching #FilmMastodon
#Dredd (2012)
In a violent, futuristic city where the police have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, a cop teams with a trainee to take down a gang that deals the reality-altering drug, SLO-MO.
#KarlUrban #LenaHeady #OliviaThirlby