My ★½ review of Expend4bles on #Letterboxd
My ★½ review of Expend4bles on #Letterboxd
#happybirthday @TheSlyStallone #sylvesterstallone #actor #stakardogord #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2 #gotgvol3 #Expend4bles #theexpendables #rocky #creed #rambo #LastBlood #TheSuicideSquad #escapeplan #tulsaking #spykids3D #gameover #copland #demolitionman #cliffhanger #thespecialist #cobra #tangoandcash #judgedredd #MarvelStudios #DisneyPlus #WBD
#JustWatched #FilmMastodon
#TheExpendables4 aka #Expend4bles (2023)
Armed with every weapon they can get their hands on, the Expendables are the world's last line of defense and the team that gets called when all other options are off the table.
2/5 ️
#Expend4bles (2023)
Armed with every weapon they can get their hands on, the Expendables are the world's last line of defense and the team that gets called when all other options are off the table.
Weekend Box Office Update: THE NUN II and EXPEND4BLES are in a nail-biting showdown on 2023's slowest weekend at the theaters.
Check out the numbers and see how the battle unfolds!
Expend4bles Review: An Explosive Yet Heavily Flawed Sequel
Director Scott Waugh's Expend4bles, the fourth installment in the action-packed Expendables franchise, reunites an ensemble cast of action heroes from yesteryears with a few new faces. While it delivers its fair share of high-octane thrills and nostalgic moments, the film ultimately falls short of recapturing the magic that made the earlier entries in the series so beloved....