Protesters clash with police in Istanbul over mayor’s arrest #IstanbulProtests #PoliticalArrest #TurkeyPolitics #FreedomOfSpeech #DemocracyInTurkey
Protesters clash with police in Istanbul over mayor’s arrest #IstanbulProtests #PoliticalArrest #TurkeyPolitics #FreedomOfSpeech #DemocracyInTurkey
As Jewish faculty, we stand against Trump’s purge of pro-Palestinian scholars #Palestine #purges #UnitedStates #freedomofspeech
As Jewish faculty, we stand ag...
"The responsibility of intellectuals is to speak the truth and expose lies."
–Noam Chomsky
#Chomsky emphasizes that those who have knowledge and influence must use their intellect to challenge falsehoods and reveal the truth. Intellectuals, whether scholars, journalists, or thinkers, have a duty to question power structures and educate the public. Silence in the face of deception allows misinformation to spread unchecked.
Can your phone get you deported in the U.S? Yes! After Trump's order to increase national security, more travellers are facing increased scrutiny, including searches of their phones and laptops. @USAToday has the latest.
"As a person of Jewish heritage who has personally encountered actual antisemitism, I find it deeply distasteful that this administration would claim to speak for me. And I’m not the only one. Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal was similarly horrified: “Shalom, the Hebrew greeting for peace,” he said, “is being used as a declaration of war and repression of dissent at home… Trump is weaponizing Jews to wage war crimes and repression.” Jamie Beran, a columnist for the Israeli paper Haaretz, has used the apt term “smokescreen antisemitism” to describe what Trump is doing: Using a faux concern for Jewish safety as a shield for his administration’s goals of crushing dissenters of all backgrounds.
A lot of American Jewish groups, thankfully, have recognized the danger of this action and were quick to condemn it. Not only groups like Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, which are openly supportive of the Palestinian cause, but also liberal Zionist groups like J Street and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs have denounced Khalil’s arrest and detention. The same cannot be said, however, for one of America’s largest and most influential Jewish organizations: The Anti-Defamation League. In a post unequivocally praising Khalil’s arrest, the ADL called for “swift and severe consequences for those who provide material support to foreign terrorist organizations, incite violence in support of terrorist activities, or conceal their identities in order to harass and intimidate Jewish individuals and institutions with impunity.” It should be noted that Khalil has not actually been charged with providing “material support” for terrorism, “inciting violence,” or “concealing” his identity to harass people. (What was that about being against defamation?) This would be par for the course for a group like the ADL, which has long sought to conflate any criticism of Israeli policy with antisemitism."
#USA #Trump #Musk #Israel #Antisemitism #FreedomOfSpeech
#FreeSpeech #FreedomofSpeech #1stAmendment #FreePress #FreedomofthePress #CivilRights #Petition Protect Fact-Based Journalism like NPR and PBS! | BlueWaveAmerica
What Autocrats Want From Academics: Servility
In 1931, Italian scholars were made to take loyalty oaths. Will that happen to us?
"Wars are not an illustration of civilization
For many years, I have asserted that the most fundamental of human rights is the right to life.
We must choose peace over war. We must choose peace and construction over destruction and war.
And to save lives, two goals should be prioritized: a) public health – ensuring everyone has access to healthcare, and b) peace – resolving conflicts peacefully, including domestic and international conflicts.
Our generation from the 60s and 70s proudly helped end colonial wars of that time. For instance, achieving peace in Vietnam was also a contribution of our peace movement.
Conversely, while contemporary movements such as the German or Swedish Greens and several left-leaning organizations advocate for global efforts to save and preserve Nature’s life, simultaneously support the continuation of the conflict in Ukraine –an endeavour implying the killing of Nature’s most precious fruits: human lives.
But not only that. “Liberal democratic” elites at the top of the EU and the government of our countries – which have been shown to be neither liberal nor pro-democracy – are now risking a Third World War.
“Human Rights for All” is also a defence of the memory of History of Humanity
France’s proposal for a “Grand European Army” to defeat Russia lacks evidence of any imminent threat from Russia. Historically, invasions of Russia have been disastrous:"
Criminalizing Dissent: Greenpeace Ordered to Pay $667M to Dakota Access Pipeline Firm over Protests
Steven Donziger, himself prosecuted by Chevron in response to his case of Ecuadorians’ injuries by Chevron, analyzes the Greenpeace case.
#StandingRock #DakotaAccessPipeline #protest #protests #freedomofspeech
Massive peaceful civil disturbance is the most effective tools for change
Give Trump & Fascists no excuse to use violence
An important message to all members & #Resistance protestors:
Know Your Rights
Thank you
Begrepen de kiezers, die ons een extreem rechtse regering bezorgd hebben, dit maar
#vrijheid #rechten #rechtvaardigheid #Rechtstaat #pers #journalistiek #onderzoeksjournalistiek #journalism #freePress #dictatuur #dictatorship #autocratie #autocracy
"The Pursuit of Truth" only when it conveniently enables us to suppress speech we don't like.
How a Free-Speech University Sidles Up to Orbán’s Strongman Rule
Bari Weiss’s University of Austin, touted as a haven for free academic inquiry, has a dozen scholars and officials with ties to Hungary’s speech-suppressing regime
US court has rejected the government's request to transfer Mohammed Khalil, an anti-Gaza war activist, to Louisiana and ordered his case to be returned to New Jersey.
@npr @politics-npr Gee, how skewed can the response be? If someone reading this feels at jepardy for speaking out freely what's the chance they won't respond?
This is an umpteenth demonstration that the USA are now snowballing toward an #authoritarian and maybe even #totalitarian regime, under new dictator #Trump. #FreedomOfSpeech is being destroyed from the top down. Examples are made with #foreigners, who are the least capable of defending themselves, but #citizen should fear this too, because it's coming for them as well, and not just national #minorities. #columbiauniversity
SkypLabs recently joined the Global Encryption Coalition!
As being a company which focuses on user-respecting hardware and software, and on empowering people with technology rather than abusing them with dark patterns and profit-at-all-costs business models, it made sense to us to join the coalition to send a strong signal that we will not take part in any projects aiming to weaken encryption, and in turn, our fundamental rights.
#TrumpRegime just love #freedomofspeech ...
and if you believe that I've got a few choices words to throw your way ...