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Draft: Date: 21/03/2025
Location: Lorrainebad, Bern

The Slogan: Macht aus dem Staat Gurkensalat (in its orginal Swiss German version: Machet usem Staat Gurkesalat) [Turn the state into cucumber salad] from the 80ies is transformed into a feminist message: Macht aus dem Patriarchat Gurkensalat [Turn the patriarchy into cucumber salad].

Patriarchy is still one of the fundamental structural problems in our societies. It remains the breeding ground for sexist thinking and the blueprint for power from the top down. We have not managed to smash it, yet already we see this massive anti-feminist backlash from without – and within like from the tiktoked hipsterification of tradwifes or TERFs or many other forms of "enemy feminisms" > Sophie Lewis newest book: https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/2440-enemy-feminisms

Photo description: A wooden wall with some grafiti on the left with a pathway next to the river on the right is a feminist collage pasted that reads: MACHT AUS DEM PATRIARCHAT GURKENSALAT [translates to: Turn the patriarchy into cucumber salad]

#Feminist #FeministStrike #Femicide #Feminicide #Feminizid #PatriarchyKills #Collage #FeministCollage #CollagesFeministes #Bern #Switzerland #Féminicide #MeToo #GreveFeministe #Sexism #WomanLifeFreedom #Revolution #NiUnaMenos

Margot Giacinti, qui vient de publier chez @editions_divergences "Le commun des mortelles. Faire face au féminicide", était invitée ce soir dans l'émission "Questions du soir" : radiofrance.fr/franceculture/p
L'émission est une synthèse très riche, offrant une remise en perspective aussi bien historique qu'actuelle. Elle revient notamment sur les appréhensions successives de ces crimes qui ont pu être proposées, mais aussi sur la pertinence et l'importance du concept de "féminicide".

Pour celles et ceux qui souhaiteraient approfondir sur ces questions, je recommande aussi la thèse de Margot Giacinti qui est accessible en ligne, ”Quand il n’y a pas mort d’hommes.” Socio-histoire du
féminicide en France (1791-1976) : theses.hal.science/tel-0448022

Féminicides : qu'ont en commun les mortelles ?
France Culture · Féminicides : qu'ont en commun les mortelles ?Les féminicides ont été, et sont toujours traités, comme des faits divers ou des drames privés. Pourtant, ils racontent un phénomène bien plus systémique : la guerre menée par les hommes contre les femmes. Pourquoi la France peine-t-elle encore à les nommer et à les combattre ?
Date: 05/03/2025
Location: Engehaldenstrasse, Bern

This collage* is an homage to the famous slogan from more than fifty years ago. During the uprising in May 1968 they wrote the following in the streets of Paris: « Sous les pavés, la plage ! », which translates to: «Under the cobblestones, the beach!». A shout out for freedom and liberation.

With the upcoming Women’s Day on march the eighth, the feeling of rage drives us as we speak out against all ongoing violence and murders/femicides.

* The slogan was first pasted in the streets of Paris in 2024. [CV Meta: https://www.instagram.com/collages_feminicides_paris/]

Photo description: The photo shows a wall with graffitis on the board of a river with the reflection on the water. Over a spray painted big R a feminist collage is pasted that reads: «SOUS NOS COLLAGES, LA RAGE» which translates to: «UNDERNEATH OUR COLLAGES, RAGE!»

#Feminist #FeministStrike #Femicide #Feminicide #Feminizid #PatriarchyKills #Collage #FeministCollage #CollagesFeministes #Bern #Switzerland #Féminicide #MeToo #GreveFeministe #Sexism #WomanLifeFreedom #Revolution #NiUnaMenos
Date: 21/02/2025
Location: Tiefenau, Bern

Does this sound shocking?! In the following article [in German], comparing the numbers of these last years, they found every third murder in switzerland to be a femicide: https://daslamm.ch/maenner-toeten-frauen-und-die-schweiz-nimmt-es-hin/

For the past years the total added up to one femicide every 2 weeks. So far the news in 2025 are pointing to a doubling of this sad and grim balance: There were 8 femicides in 8 weeks. How is this possible?!

Photo description: The photo shows the pilar of a bridge with graffitis on it and a feminist collage pasting that reads: «JEDER 3. MORD IN DER SCHWEIZ EIN FEMIZID» which translates to: EVERY THIRD MURDER IN SWITZERLAND IS A FEMICIDE

#Feminist #FeministStrike #Femicide #Feminicide #Feminizid #PatriarchyKills #Collage #FeministCollage #CollagesFeministes #Bern #Switzerland #Féminicide #MeToo #GreveFeministe #Sexism #WomanLifeFreedom #Revolution #NiUnaMenos
Date: 05/02/2025
Location: Fischermätteli, Bern

With the rise of fascism all over the world – accelerated by what is currently happening in the so called US – marginalised people will be the first to suffer. Abortion and trans rights are being denied. Racist attacks are on the rise. Essential medication gets refused. Aid to war zones are cut.

The way we read this pasting: if a feminist revolution is not antifascist, it does not deserve to call itself by that name.

Photo description: The photo shows a wooden shed with trees and bushes. On the wall of the shed a feminist collage pasting that reads: «LA REVOLUTION FEMINISTE EST ANTIFASCISTE» which translates to: The feminist revolution is antifascist.

#Feminist #FeministStrike #Femicide #Feminicide #Feminizid #PatriarchyKills #Collage #FeministCollage #CollagesFeministes #Bern #Switzerland #Féminicide #MeToo #GreveFeministe #Sexism #WomanLifeFreedom #Revolution #NiUnaMenos #Antifa

Exposées à des #violencesconjugales répétées se trouvant en situation de captivité "ces victimes développent un type particulier de trauma : le syndrome de stress post-traumatique complexe #SSPT-C", que présentent les victimes exposées à ce type de violences, "qu'il s'agisse de prisonniers de guerre, d'otages de sectes ou de victimes de violence conjugale"
60 à 80 % des femmes demandant de l'aide ont subi un contrôle coercitif à travers de multiples tactiques

FRANCE 24 · Violence conjugale : le contrôle coercitif, un "crime de liberté" désormais dans le droit françaisBy Pauline ROUQUETTE
Date: 22/01/2025
Location: Bern West

It feels like in this collage, ‘rapist’ could easily be replaced with ‘fascist’/‘racist’/‘transphobe’/etc. It is beyond comprehension how a convicted felon and rapist could take office as the president of the so called United States – notably for the second time. If only the implications would be limited to his country. But we live in a troubled world with wars, genocide, climate catastrophes and a capitalist system that marginalises so many people. This has to be addressed on a global level. As much as the Nazi-Salute of Elon Musk at the inauguration sends a clear message to the far right, Trump being a rapist encourages all the Andrew Tates out there to act in impunity… these are really dark and difficult times.

Photo description: The photo shows the wall of an underpass on the left side with graffitis and a feminist collage that reads: «RAPIST IN THE WHITE HOUSE – RAPE CULTURE WORLDWIDE»

#Feminist #FeministStrike #Femicide #Feminicide #Feminizid #PatriarchyKills #Collage #FeministCollage #CollagesFeministes #Bern #Switzerland #Féminicide #MeToo #GreveFeministe #Sexism #WomanLifeFreedom #Revolution #NiUnaMenos

Le #Féminicide est la manifestation la plus violente du système patriarcal contre laquelle une politique publique d'envergure doit être menée, notamment de prévention et d'éducation. Combien de femmes doivent encore mourir avant que les autorités publiques n'agissent ?

France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine · "Ras-le-bol de compter nos mortes" : comment Nasrine, 41 ans, est devenue le 5ᵉ féminicide de l'année 2025By Lisa Douard


Dans la tribu d'Unia à Yaté, une femme a été tuée par son époux le samedi 4 janvier. Les faits se sont déroulés dans un contexte d'alcoolisation. L'auteur présumé présentait un taux d'alcool de 2,14 grammes dans le sang C'est le premier #féminicide de l'année 2025 en #nouvellecaledonie
Dans l'hexagone ct 3 ou 4 h après le début de 2025, le compagnon d’Isabelle 51 ans dont le corps a été retrouvé roué de coups a expliqué «avoir fait une bêtise» à Hautmont, Nord

Nouvelle-Calédonie 1ère · Un mari tue sa femme d'un coup de couteau à YatéBy Inès Figuigui