Quote of the day, 15 March: Silvio José Báez, ocd
“Love your enemies” (Mt 5:44). This does not mean feeling sympathy or affection for those who have harmed us. Rather, it means refusing to hate, seeking no revenge, and being willing to do good to those who do not love us or have wronged us. It means loving with the same love with which God loves us.
Loving an enemy should not be confused with the demand that the guilty party be held accountable before a court of law.
This is not hypocrisy.
One may still feel antipathy and rejection toward the wrongdoer, but one chooses to go beyond feelings—deciding not to seek revenge or harbor hatred, and, if necessary, even to do good to them and pray for them. This is a gift from God.
Love for one’s enemy does not exclude but rather presupposes the need for the guilty party to face justice.
Silvio José Báez, O.C.D.
Auxiliary Bishop of Managua
16 June 2020
Translation from the Spanish text is the blogger’s own work product and may not be reproduced without permission.
Featured image: Bishop Silvio José Báez, o.c.d. (left) and Archbishop Leopoldo Brenes (right) join in prayer at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Managua. Earlier that day, they had traveled to Saint Sebastian Basilica in Diriamba, Nicaragua, where they were attacked by pro-government sympathizers. Image credit: sj.baez / Facebook (Used by permission).
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