H.P. Lovecraft died OTD in 1937; virtually visit where he lived in Brooklyn https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-hp-lovecraft/?s=mb #travel #literature #HPLovecraft #HPL

H.P. Lovecraft died OTD in 1937; virtually visit where he lived in Brooklyn https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-hp-lovecraft/?s=mb #travel #literature #HPLovecraft #HPL
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" - chanted continuously
Related channel - continuous screaming without end, with first person commentary.
#HashtagGames #Cthulhu #HPLovecraft
#CthulhuMythos #WeirdTales #TheCallOfCthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft died OTD in 1937 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/providence/locations.html?s=mb #travel #literature #HPLovecraft #HPL
H.P. Lovecraft died OTD in 1937 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/providence/lovecraft.html?s=mb #travel #literature #HPLovecraft #HPL
H.P. Lovecraft died OTD in 1937 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-hp-lovecraft/?s=mb #travel #literature #HPLovecraft #HPL
Algernon Blackwood, born OTD in 1869, was a prominent author of #weird #fiction https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-hp-lovecraft/?s=mb #HPLovecraft #HPL
Baltic poet Eric Stenbock, born OTD in 1860 in Estonia, wrote macabre fantastic fiction https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-hp-lovecraft/?s=mb #travel #NewYorkCity #HPLovecraft #HPL
Baltic poet Eric Stenbock, born OTD in 1860 in Estonia, wrote macabre fantastic fiction https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/providence/?s=mb #travel #HPLovecraft #HPL
"... we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."
#HPLovecraft commenting on 2020s US politics
Rezi zu "Der Fall Charles Dexter Ward" von #HPLovecraft
"Die Handlung verbindet Seelenwanderung, Wiedergängertum, Vampirismus, Okkultismus, Nekrophilie und schwarze Magie... Lovecraft deutet an und regt so die Phantasie des Lesers an. Das Buch mag für Erwachsene geschrieben sein: Wirklich Ekelhaftes, Abstoßendes wird ihnen nicht zugemutet."
Awesome, I had no idea that there was a Weimar-era Berlin sourcebook for CoC! From 2019, I gather. Wonder what #HPLovecraft would have made of the nightlife. I can totally see him wearing eyeliner and lipstick and listening to jazz. (-;
Today we have two originals, a preliminary concept and a finished study that Michael completed during his work on a cover for a forthcoming special edition of At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft from Centipede Press. 1/3
I read John Scott Tynes' first Delta Green novel, "The Rules of Engagement" (1999) in March of 2001. My comment at the time was "Well. Clumsy, gun fetishistic and too unmysterious. But still not bad!" I had no idea that I'd be game-mastering a load of DG over 20 years later. By that time I'd forgotten all about the novel.
Sail away, sail away, sail away, with us on The White Ship, first published in 1919 by #HPLovecraft, and read by me, @todb .
Look for "Podsothoth," spelled just like it sounds, in your favorite #podcast app. Or, catch it directly at the link below.
OTD a young artist of neurotic and excited aspect brought a strange clay bas-relief to Professor Angell. https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/providence/locations.html?s=mb #HPLovecraft #HPL
Warriors sometimes have reason to fear artists. https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/providence/?s=mc #HPLovecraft #HPL
Eldritch threats oft-times fight in particularly abhorrent and desperate though rather clumsy modes of fighting https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/providence/lovecraft.html?s=mc #HPLovecraft #HPL
OTD a young artist of neurotic and excited aspect called upon Professor Angell. https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/providence/lovecraft.html?s=mb #HPLovecraft #HPL
Heed well the warnings of neurotic and excited artists with ominous visions. https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/providence/?s=mc #HPLovecraft #HPL