I'm starting a thread on #HammockCamping...
Feel free to comment and even tell me where I'm wrong, or if there's a better solution.
I'll start with the big one... how many lines/ropes/straps should it take to fully pitch a #HammockTent?
I have a strong bias that the answer is no more than four!
I propose a general "Four Point Hammock Suspension Rule" (two straps for the hammock itself (with bug net), no more than two for the rainfly)
Note that the fly does not need to be diamond shaped, this is a general rule-of-thumb.
My point is: if you have more lines you increase complexity, increase time pitching and repacking, decrease access, and have more things to trip over.
Put another way: If you get the same performance with fewer lines, that is a good thing.
If more lines are required to achieve the same performance, that may indicate a weaker design.