Volcans en alerte : #Hawaï et l’#Islande, deux tests grandeur nature pour la #prédictionvolcanique http://sci3nc.es/TJ9vWT
Volcans en alerte : #Hawaï et l’#Islande, deux tests grandeur nature pour la #prédictionvolcanique http://sci3nc.es/TJ9vWT
#Entretenimiento Martin Scorsese y Leonardo DiCaprio producirán una trama policial ambientada en Hawái #Cine #MartinScorsese #LeonardoDiCaprio #Hawái https://enter504.com/scorsese-y-dicaprio-se-unen-para-nueva-pelicula/
Bill Spunska
Some #Acquisitions and #Mergers
1803 - #Louisiana - France
1819 - #Florida - Spain
1845 - #Texas - Mexico
1848 - #California, #Nevada, #Arizona, #Utah and parts of #Colorado, #NewMexico and #Wyoming - Mexico
1867 - #Alaska - Russia
1898 - #Cuba, the #Philippines, #Guam and #PuertoRico - Spain
1898 - #Hawai'i - overthrown by private businessmen then annexed
Is it any wonder #POTUS Trump treats nations like nothing more than real estate?
There is an accidental advantage of living in #losangeles for me-
Everyone loves freckles. I have them. I don't tan at all, I just get more freckles.
I never had many when I lived in #seattle and #portland because it's always cloudy and sunny days actually used to make me anxious and want to hide sometimes.
LA is sunny and so now I am more attractive by accident.
I'd still prefer the rain and clouds back.
Maybe likehalf way.
I think I need to move to #hawai
First the United States colonized Puerto Rico andHawai’i, then they destroyed their ability to feed themselves. This is the story of the Puerto Ricans returning to the land to work towards food sovereignty.
Kilauea has resumed its volcano work, eruption
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Le Kilauea a recommencé son travail de volcan, en éruption
// Article en anglais //
early this morning, i was lying in bed looking at my phone when i heard "meh-eh-eh-eh" outside. i thought "there's no way..." but sure enough, there was a goat outside!
it was a nice large one...tan with black horns. no collar. it was just next to our place, in the middle of the brush.. i got up very quietly and scoped it out through the trees. then i talked to it very quietly and gently. it didn't immediately run away, but it wouldn't let me get closer than 15 feet.
as i approached, it went off through the jungle back towards the road. i went out to the road to see where it had gone, and saw it trotting down the block away from me.
we've had various random animals show up at our place: cats, dogs, and once a rooster. but this was the first goat! i hope it finds its people..