Heute Abend ist es soweit: Premiere!
20 Uhr, JKS Passage DD Gorbitz
Alle Infos: https://www.meinklang.org/artist/heartbeat/
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Heute Abend ist es soweit: Premiere!
20 Uhr, JKS Passage DD Gorbitz
Alle Infos: https://www.meinklang.org/artist/heartbeat/
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Die Proben laufen. Nur noch wenige Tage bis zu den beiden Konzerten.
Fr. 21.03. 20:00 Uhr
Sa. 22.03. 15:30 Uhr
In der JKS Passage,
Leutewitzer Ring 5, Dresden
Vielen lieben Dank an Thomas Graske (www.thomas-graske.de) für die Schnappschüsse während der Probe.
The rhythmic expansion and contraction of Antarctic sea ice is like a heartbeat.
But lately, there’s been a skip in the beat. During each of the last two summers, the ice around Antarctica has retreated farther than ever before.
And just as a change in our heartbeat affects our whole body, a change to sea ice around Antarctica affects the whole world.
Kurzer Besuch in der #JKSPassage in #Dresden #Gorbitz. Nur noch 3 Wochen, dann gehe ich mit meinem @MeinKlang - Programm #HeartBeat zum ersten Mal solo auf die Bühne.
Die Flyer sind da!
Das Datum für die beiden Konzerte rückt immer näher und die Aufregung steigt. Seid ihr dabei?
Heart Beat
Freitag, 21.03. 20:00 Uhr und
Samstag, 22.03. 15:30 Uhr
in der JKS Passage,
Leutewitzer Ring 5, Dresden
Alle Infos gibt es auch online:
Kalender gezückt und eingetragen:
Heute in 2 Monaten gehe ich mit meinem ersten Soloprogramm auf die Bühne.
#HeartBeat ist ein bunter Musik-Mix mit allem, was mein Herz höher schlagen lässt. Dazu möchte ich euch alle sehr herzlich einladen!
Mehr Infos kommen demnächst hier und bei @MeinKlang. Bleibt gespannt.
The Path of the Wounded Healer: 5Rhythms Heartbeat and Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness
April 21 - April 25
The healing path has a trajectory. Gabrielle Roth called this, The Path of The Wounded Healer. It is here that we look closely at our healing process.
#5Rhythms #Heartbeat #TraumaSensitive #Mindfulness #WoundedHealer #HealingJourney #MovementMeditation #EmotionalHealing #DanceTherapy #ConsciousDance
“Fetal personhood” activists struggle to maintain the fiction they are neutral on birth control
When asked about their intentions to restrict or protect access to birth control, Republican lawmakers and leaders of the anti-abortion movement will typically point out the fact that there’s no bill currently under consideration explicitly aimed at banning #contraception.
As journalist Jessica Valenti noted in her "Abortion, Every Day" newsletter, the president of Ohio Right to Life mocked a state Democrat who warned of the risk to birth control by saying,
“she can’t cite a piece of legislation that bans contraception … it’s fear-mongering.”
Susan B. Anthony #Pro-#Life #America’s website calls it a “MYTH” that Republicans want to stop people from getting birth control.
“FACT: No state anywhere has banned birth control,” it says.
And yet taking one big swing to restrict access has never been the strategy of the anti-contraception playbook.
Rather, activists either maintain neutrality on birth control or say nothing while actively working to conflate abortion with birth control and pass laws that redefine life as beginning at conception.
As journalist Christina Cauterucci pointed out at Slate, the anti-abortion group #Americans #United #for #Life claims on its website that it takes “no stance on the underlying issue of contraceptive use,”
but elsewhere it insists that people who use emergency contraception
“take the lives of their unborn children.”
When Mother Jones reporter Kiera Butler attended the annual conference of the anti-abortion group #Heartbeat #International in 2022, she found restriction of birth control to be a major theme, with several sessions dedicated to the topic.
The push to redefine the start of #personhood as the point of #conception holds real implications for fertility treatments and the wide range of available birth control methods.
Many lawmakers in states with such “fetal personhood” laws on the books have not fully grappled with the practical consequences of how enforcing those laws in the post-Roe era might work.
In the near future, most Republicans will likely continue to dismiss the idea that there’s any threat to birth control at all, and leaders of anti-abortion organizations will surely do their best to change the subject.
But pay attention to how fights over expanding access to birth control
— including nonhormonal methods like condoms
— play out.
Pay attention to proposals to gut funding for #TitleX, a federal program that provides birth control to millions of low-income people in the United States.
Pay attention to efforts in Congress to restrict access to contraception in foreign aid spending bills.
And pay attention to how courts and lawmakers aim to expand the definition of abortion.
1000 Day Album Challenge (#18) War: Why Can’t We Be Friends? (1975) [18.01.24 – posted 19.01.24]
everybody clap your hands and sing out loud / get right down to what's happenin' today…
I don’t believe I really dug into War’s music until the mid- to late-nineties. they had seven Top Ten hits during the 1970s so I was reasonably familiar with their music. other than Love Is All Around (1976) I owned all of their albums from Eric Burdon Declares “War” (1970), which featured Spill the Wine, through Youngblood (1978).
I don’t recall what my entry point at the time was, but my guess is that Why Can’t We Be Friends? was one of my last purchases. it was commonly available and I think I assumed Low Rider and the title song was all there was to it. apparently, I was wrong.
the song Heartbeat was the revelation for me. it’s all bass, drums and chanting. it’s a brilliant party record and among War’s funkiest tunes. War has an affinity for uplifting music and Heartbeat fits that bill perfectly. had I known I would have bought this album for Heartbeat alone.
#Heartbeat (1992-2010) (2002 intro)
The 1960s lives and adventures of the police constabulary, medical staff, and residents of Ashfordly and Aidensfield.
#TVThemeTunes #TVIntros #TVOpenings
HeartBeat ★★★★★★★★★☆ https://trakt.tv/comments/584380 #HeartBeat #trakt