Helena Bonham Carter shares that Tim Burton 'relates' to dogs #HelenaBonhamCarter #TimBurton #socialnewsxyz

Helena Bonham Carter shares that Tim Burton 'relates' to dogs #HelenaBonhamCarter #TimBurton #socialnewsxyz
David Fincher – „Fight Club“ (1999)
Ob Sie diesen Gewaltporno jetzt als Kultfilm feiern oder als fragwürdigen Kino-Exzess ablehnen, liegt ganz bei Ihnen. Regisseur Fincher war nie einer, der es uns im Kinosessel gemütlich machen wollte. Seit den 90ern ist er vielleicht etwas weniger kontrovers unterwegs. Als Chronik der Befindlichkeit der USA sind seine Filme bis heute relevant. (ZDF)
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street OST - 'Epiphany'
#HelenaBonhamCarter and her mother out for a stroll in Islington, North London
#MerchantIvory production of #EMForster with #EmmaThompson, #HelenaBonhamCarter, #JamesWilby, #VanessaRedgrave + #AnthonyHopkins. Nominated for 9 #AcademyAwards (winning 3) + winner of #BAFTA #BestFilmAward
#MerchantIvory adaptation of the #EMForster novel w/ #HelenaBonhamCarter, #MaggieSmith, #JudiDench, #JulianSands, #DanielDayLewis + #RupertGraves. Nominated for 8 #AcademyAwards
#ARoomwithaView (1985) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091867/
#CharlesSturridge directed #film adaptation of #EMForster starring #HelenaBonhamCarter, #RupertGraves, #HelenMirren, #JudyDavis and #GiovanniGuidelli
#WhereAngelsFeartoTread (1991) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103243/
#HappyBirthday @bonham.carter #HelenaBonhamCarter #actress #aroomwithaview #ladyjane #thewingsofthedove #thekingsspeech #hamlet #whereangelsfeartotread #maryshelleysfrankenstein #harrypotter #Terminator #salvation #greatexpectations #LesMiserables #cinderella #Oceans8 #sufragettes #PlanetoftheApes #bigfish #CorpseBride #CharlieandtheChocolateFactory #sweenytodd #DarkShadows #AliceThroughtheLookingGlass #TheCrown #nolly @streammaxla @disneyplusla
#Stonegasmoviechallenge2024 #FilmMastodon
#HelenaBonhamCarter movie
#ConversationsWithOtherWomen (2005)
#Series based on a the true story of British #Crossroads #soapstar #NoeleGordon - #HelenaBonhamCarter is superb in the lead role.
Showing as part of #Masterpiece on #PBS
#Nolly (#TV #MiniSeries 2023) - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16233462/
The movie #FightClub was released 24 years ago
''It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.''
We bid you welcome to the launch of Nightshade Cult; A Podcast Macabre. It seems that every generation gets their own version of the Classic Monsters, Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolfman. In the '90s these came courtesy of Sony Pictures in the form of three films by prestige directors and with fairly all star casts. To start the new podcast of right, your Horror Hosts put all three films on the exam table. So please join us for these dissections of Bram Stoker's Dracula, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and Wolf
#dracula #bramstoker #bramstokersdracula #francisfordcoppola #coppola #garyoldman #winonaryder #keanureeves #anthonyhopkins
#michaelballhaus #romancoppola #wojciechkilar #frankenstein
#maryshelley #maryshelleysfrankenstein
#kennethbranagh #robertdeniro #helenabonhamcarter #patrickdoyle #wolf #mikenichols #jacknicholson #michellepfeiffer #jamesspader #enniomorricone #christopherplummer #werewolf #vampire #horrorcinema #gothichorror
As it has been confirmed that Julian Sands has left us I wanna express my never ending gratefulness to him for bringing George Sands to life in #roomwithaview
Julian, #helenabonhamcarter and of course my fave #danieldaylewis as Cecil Vyse made this movie to one of my alltime faves and in my oppinion to one of the best films ever made
#rip #juliansands