OMG OMG OMG. Sometime after this video was released (1985ish), I was up late one night watching Night Flight on USA, and a commercial came on about this tape. I asked my parents if I could get it, it was maybe $30US or something. I anxiously awaited its arrival.
We received all our mail at the same address as my family's business, a PO box. Whatever I was doing that day it arrived, I didn't go by there that after school--I usually walked to said place of business from school. My dad was still working that evening, & he told me my package had arrived. I was so excited, I asked if I could watch it right then & there. It was late & we didn't even have a VCR at home, yet. So, I sat there about 6" away (exaggerating) from the TV--you know, whatever distance that your parents would all yell at you "Don't sit so close to the TV!"). I'm sure it was torture for my dad who sat there w/me while I watched it.