'Severance' Renewed for Season 3!! #Severance, #AppleTVPlus, #AdamScott, #DichenLachman, #BrittLower, #JohnTurturro, #ZachCherry, #TramellTillman, #JenTullock, #MichaelChernus

'Severance' Renewed for Season 3!! #Severance, #AppleTVPlus, #AdamScott, #DichenLachman, #BrittLower, #JohnTurturro, #ZachCherry, #TramellTillman, #JenTullock, #MichaelChernus
John Turturro: está aí um ator que simpatizo bastante cuja filmografia ainda tem muita coisa boa para assistir. Lembro até hoje quando um amigo me emprestou o DVD do Transformers 2 e assisti ao filme em capítulos (!) durante a semana, de tão ruim que era... Mas as cenas do personagem do John Turturro eram sempre as melhores, algo entre o cômico e o imponente. Dos episódios de Severance que conferi, também gostei de sua atuação.
#Happybirthday @JohnMTurturro #johnturturro #actor #director #SeymourSimmons #transformers #revengeofthefallen #darkofthemoon #thelastknight #severance #TheRoomNextDoor #TheCut #thebatman #pinocchio #ragingbull #toliveanddieinla #dotherightthing #bartonfink #thebiglebowski #OBrotherWhereArtThou #miracleatstanna
‘Severance’ Stars John Turturro and Christopher Walken on That ‘Dinner From Hell’ and Why Irving Visits Burt’s House: ‘Curiosity, Insecurity, Jealousy’
#Variety #News #ChristopherWalken #JohnTurturro #Severance
‘Severance’ Stars Britt Lower, John Turturro and Zach Cherry Break Down the Explosive, Snowy Episode That Changes Everything
#Variety #News #BrittLower #JohnTurturro #Severance #ZachCherry
Interesting article about John Turturro walking the Zegna runway in Milan, and his role on Severance. I like his style.
Spike Lee, John Turturro, Kate Berlant, Amy Sedaris, John Early and More Pose Across New York Hotspots in New Nordstrom Campaign
#Variety #News #JohnEarly #JohnTurturro #KateBerlant #NordstroM #SpikeLee
‘Severance’ Cast on Improvising Lines and Why John Turturro Is ‘Scared’ of Burt and Irving Fan Art
#Variety #News #AdamScott #BenStiller #JohnTurturro #Severance
#ComedyMovies #FeelGoodMovies #FilmMastodon
#TheBigLebowski (1998)
Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski, mistaken for a millionaire of the same name, seeks restitution for his ruined rug and enlists his bowling buddies to help get it.
#JeffBridges #JohnGoodman #JohnTurturro
Severance season 2 reportedly delayed after showrunners have a 'falling out'. Executive producer/director Ben Stiller released statement regarding rumours https://tvline.com/2023/04/28/severance-season-2-delayed-controversy-beau-willimon/ https://tvline.com/2023/04/28/severance-season-2-delayed-ben-stiller-statement-controversy/