Guitar cat is back, demanding more belly rubs. (The outstretched toes are what really get me )
Every night before I go to bed I have to partake in Lemon's evening ritual. She hides behind the couch cushions while I pretend not to see her so she can ambush me. I stop when she starts biting. Which, today, happened to be immediately.
Seeing her like this, you'd never guess she's not allowed on the table. (Or to scratch the chairs
Lemon's mama paid a rare visit to our backyard today. She was clearly planning an ambush near the bird feeder but the birds didn't fall for it. Mama is very feral and very pretty. And Lemon has already outgrown her, lol.
Banana peel is fascinating and scary (everything I put on this side table needs to be yanked down to the floor for some reason
Most cats will rip you to shreds if you touch their belly. This one loudly insists on belly rubs.
For those of us in need of some extra cuteness to offset any looming dystopias, here is a picture of Lemon on the day we found her. She was 5 or 6 weeks old. Hungry, angry and dirty but adorable as hell