Fall of #Lucifer. Offices, Italy 1519. San Marino, CA, Huntington Library, HM 1046, fol. 245v.
#medieval #MedievalArt
Fall of #Lucifer. Offices, Italy 1519. San Marino, CA, Huntington Library, HM 1046, fol. 245v.
#medieval #MedievalArt
"Here at least we shall be free; the Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence.
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."
- John Milton, "Paradise Lost" Gustave Doré
Something happened to Soobin when he was on vacay. The things enough sleep will do for you!
Comment ça c’est pour le linge ? #Lucifer #CatsOfMastodon
Pendant ce temps, je m’apprête à faire 300km aujourd’hui pour dire aux utilisateurices d’utiliser keepass, avec le cou l’épaule et le bras bloqués. Wish me luck !
Et la version nuit pour les émo/romantiques :)
#LesyeuxdAlex #Alex #Lucifer
OK .... !!!! donc cette semaine est maudite, mon Ubuntu a perdu le wifi (donc la réu teams) et là, il est bloqué il arrive pas à reboot.
va falloir que je sorte la Kali du coup ! heureusement, j'ai le nouveau chargeur pour remplacer celui que #Lucifer a bouffé
#Caturday sa majesté #Lucifer dans sa chaise à porteur pour aller manger le poulet #CatsOfMastodon
My youngest, who died of non-#COVID natural causes, was a #Satanist. He didn't sacrifice animals or anything. He just thought that #god was acting like some modern-day #Christians who ask, "What would #Jesus do?" #WWJD and then, when someone does it, is all. "Not Like That!" God gives everyone #FreeWill, and when #LucIfer dares to actually /use/ it...
My view on the topic of #god and #religion:
The existence of #evil demonstrates that the omni-omni god(s) cannot exist.
I love how philosophers describe it as, "The Problem of evil." I mean, yes, evil is a problem, but not for the reasons they say it is.
The existence of god(s) is metaphorical. In coding, god(s) would be the #else condition. Anything that is not known, understood, and explainable by a person, or people as a whole, can be explained by postulating god(s). Because people want to know #Why. And asking why starts as soon as a child can communicate.
It's like how the #Greeks had to answer why #planets appear to sometimes move beckwards. They didn't know (and couldn't know) the real reason for retrograde motion because they were absolutely certain that the planets orbited around Earth. They invented epicycles, little circles planets made that caused them to appear to be going backwards. God(s) get invented the same way.
Which is why there is often #religious tension around #science. Because science is a #system for figuring things out, it sometimes figures out that previous answers for Why questions turn out to be wrong. This why Galileo was tortured. He publicly stated that the Greeks were wrong about retrograde motion.
#Religion happens when a person/group leverages collective #ignorance for personal/group gain.
salut , allée je teste une version anglaise lucifer and chloe - hotter than hell !!
#lucifer #chloe #opening #music
salut , allée je teste une version anglaise lucifer and chloe - hotter than hell !!
#lucifer #chloe #opening #music
Je me suis mis en prison tout seul alors que j’ai même pas fait de bêtises #Lucifer #CatsOfMastodon