I've been watching M*A*S*H* before Star Trek every night and I'm starting to think 90s-era Star Trek borrowed a lot from M*A*S*H*.
#AllStarTrek #MASH
I'm not sure if this would run into the realm of piracy or not, hopefully not, but does anybody have DVDs of season 9 of #MASH that I could get ISOs from before I spend money re-ordering it? Every other season so far has read just fine, but season 9's discs are cooked from age and my PC won't even recognize the name of the disc.
I'm about to fire up dvdisaster but I seriously doubt I'm going to get anywhere with the discs looking like this.
Radar from M*A*S*H as a fennec, cause he gives off those vibes. Drawn in 2023
Feb 2025 was quite a retro comedy binge month for me... loved it. #trakt #tv #tvseries #bindgewatching #scrubs #mash https://trakt.tv/users/dh3lix/mir/2025/2
Charles Emerson Winchester III rifles.
MASH S09E20 - The Life You Save - #Dailymotion
Soms gewoon lekker eenvoudig
afternoon light by @jaimebyrd on IG
I like all the color and texture, positive feel, you can really experience the thick greasy paint mashing together. different feel than the Paul Klee
@arisummerland @adhdeanasl @ephemeromorph
I'm reminded of Radar mailing himself an entire Jeep from Korea to the US, one part at a time
Roadmovie – „Das Leuchten der Erinnerung“ (2017)
Ob jetzt Krebs oder Alzheimer das größere Arschloch ist, möchte ich nicht entscheiden. Im Grunde meide ich beide, soweit ich es im Alltag denn verdrängen kann. Und dennoch habe ich mir angesehen, wie zwei alte Menschen, sowohl vom einen, wie vom anderen gezeichnet, sich in einem alten Winnebago auf die letzte Reise ihres Lebens machen. Mit Helen Mirren und Donald Sutherland. (3Sat)
I'm not sure I like this gritty reboot of #MASH as a reality tv show.
"Later, one of the doctors says to me, “Infantry, these guys are the guts of war. They go into hell every day. I’ve seen guys injured for the tenth time and they still go back"."
@Girl_a_whirl @the_etrain If Radar can do it, you can do it!
For the (potato) mash we're planning to make later, should we add any other vegetables to the mash, or just have them on the side, mashed or otherwise?
#MASH, draussen liegt ein #Blindgänger und #HenryBlake philosophiert mit #Radar über #Sport.
Nachdem ich am Dienstag #MASH beendet hab' (und mich noch immer darüber ärgere, dass Disney+ seinen Kunden die allerletzte Folge unterschlägt!), starte ich jetzt einfach den nächsten 11 Staffeln langen Re-watch - denn die Wahrheit ist irgendwo a draußen! #TheXFiles