Ah, my boy! Look how good you used to look.
disappointed that Forge apparently doesn't have Conspiracy or Battlebond modes
Hold up, is this the best Regrowth they've ever printed? Neat!
Me: "Ehhh Dracogenesis is a trap, 8 mana is too much for a spell that does nothing on its own, you would still have to pay commander tax, you are better off playing a more impactful spell. Plus this will be crazy expensive anyway."
Hola, soy Al. Soy auxiliar de biblioteca y proyecto de bibliotecario y ya llevo un tiempo en Mastodon, aunque me acabo de cambiar de instancia.
Suelo hablar de: Novela y cómic (#Lecturas)
Magic: the Gathering (#MTG #MagicTheGathering)
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Otras cosas que me interesan
the first game of Magic I ever played, back around 1995, was against a friend who absolutely locked me down with a blue counterspell deck, and ever since then, part of me has felt like playing blue is akin to cheating, or at least against the spirit of the game
Nothing says Jeskai like your clan keyword being "Isn't this just an evergreen mechanic?"
I keep feeling like the new Spirit Dragon names are too unmemorable compared to the Dragonlords, and that I'm never going to be able to remember them, but is this me just being a Magic Boomer? Am I now too old to learn cool new things?
I mean, I think a lot of people wouldn't mind getting sundered by him
Does MTG need new villains? #mtg #MagicTheGathering #mtgpolls