PESTIFERE (Estats Units) presenta nou àlbum: "There Was Never Light" #Pestifere #MelodicDeath #BlackMetal #Març2025 #EstatsUnits #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
PESTIFERE (Estats Units) presenta nou àlbum: "There Was Never Light" #Pestifere #MelodicDeath #BlackMetal #Març2025 #EstatsUnits #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
THE HAUNTED (Suècia) presenta nou single: "Warhead" #TheHaunted #MelodicDeath #GrooveMetal #Març2025 #Suècia #NouSingle #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
Another #Insomnium album playing today, this time the 2009 album Across The Dark.
Unsurprisingly it is excellent. Some nice cleans in places, plus Insomnium's unwavering mastery of melody. Still yet to find a bad song from any of their albums. #music #metal #melodicdeath
DARK DRIVEN presenta nou àlbum: "From the Unbeliever" #DarkDriven #MelodicDeath #DoomMetal #Març2025 #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
BLOODRED HOURGLASS (Finlàndia) presenta nou single: "We Should Be Buried like This" #BloodredHourglass #MelodicDeath #ThrashMetal #MelodicDeathMetal #Metalcore #Març2025 #Finlàndia #NouSingle #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
"And we drift far away in our dreams
Gather further distance while we sleep
Build a wall of glass thick and deep
We hear but choose not to listen"
Insomnium - While We Sleep
SCENT OF THORNS (Grècia) presenta nou àlbum: "Deathless Heights" #ScentOfThorns #MelodicDeath #FolkMetal #Març2025 #Grècia #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
IRONY OF FATE (Suïssa) presenta nou àlbum: "Equinox" #IronyOfFate #MelodicDeath #GrooveMetal #Març2025 #Suïssa #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
CARNAL FORGE (Suècia) presenta nou EP: "The Fractured Process" #CarnalForge #MelodicDeath #GrooveMetal #ThrashMetal #Març2025 #Suècia #NouEp #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
TIL THE END presenta nou EP: "Dark Kings" #TilTheEnd #MelodicDeath #GothicMetal #Març2025 #NouEp #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
BISA (Finlàndia) presenta nou single: "Fallen One" #Bisa #MelodicDeath #PowerMetal #GrooveMetal #Febrer2025 #Finlàndia #NouSingle #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
AERECUGA (Països Baixos) presenta nou àlbum: "Reign of Terror" #Aerecuga #MelodicDeath #DoomMetal #Febrer2025 #PaïsosBaixos #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
MORDARI (Suècia) presenta nou àlbum: "The Outsider" #Mordari #MelodicDeath #BlackMetal #Febrer2025 #Suècia #NouÀlbum #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
PERFORATION (Estats Units) presenta nou Split: "Perforation/Urethra Shitters" #Perforation #MelodicDeath #BlackMetal #Febrer2025 #EstatsUnits #NouSplit #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
PERFORATION (Estats Units) presenta nova demo: "Beneath the Ice" #Perforation #MelodicDeath #BlackMetal #Febrer2025 #EstatsUnits #NovaDemo #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
MORPHIN (Brasil) presenta nou single: "No Absolution" #Morphin #MelodicDeath #DoomMetal #Febrer2025 #Brasil #NouSingle #Metall #Metal #MúsicaMetal #MetalMusic
I think #Insomnium is quickly becoming one of my favourite bands. Going back through their catalogue on Qobuz and I've not found a bad album yet. #music #melodicdeath
Currently listening to #Insomnium 's 2019 album 'Heart Like a Grave'. My word it's good. #metal #music #melodicdeath
Neues Jahr, neues Album, neues Label: Bei DESERTED FEAR stehen die Zeichen ganz offenbar auf Sturm! Die Deather aus Thüringen sind jetzt bei Testimony Records unter Vertrag und bringen im April ihr neues Album "Veins Of Fire" heraus. Das erste Video zur neuen Single ist seit heute online. Funeral Mass – Hexenritual (Single: 2025) #AmbientBlack #AstmophericBlack #AtmosphericFolk/Black #AvantGarde #Bicycling #BicyclingLithuania #Biking #BlackMetal #BlackMetalArtists #BlackThrashMetal #Black/Doom #Blackened #BMA #Cycling #DeathMetal #Ghotic/Black #Heavy/Black #IndustrialMetal #lithuania #MelodicBlack #MelodicBlack/Death #MelodicDeath/Black #Pagan/BlackMetal #Post/Black #progressive #Raw/Black #SymphoBlack #SymphoGothic #Viking/BlackMetal