Edgrr is sulking in the background as Phoebe the Insane Bulldog gets some chin scratchin'.
#Mondog Another week has begun and let's make it a good one, greetings from Kengo in the sprung spring.
"Me, spoiled? Nooo..." #dogsofmastodon #mondog #Moosie
Loafing and side-eye in one photo. #mondog #dogsofmastodon #Moosie
It's #Mondog and we have good news! Mom weighed us last night and we haven't gained any winter weight. Yay us!
It's our woolly coats making us look fat. That's about to change. Only 3 more sleeps till our groomer is back. We'll be so pretty for the weekend.
But, till then, have a good week everyone!
Tänään #mondog eli #hauvantai kuvana toiseksi vanhimman tyttären ottama kuva #beagle naamasta
#koira #koirat #koiranpentu #koiranpennut #dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon
Kukla say, "Hi and happy #Mondog! And if you'd like to BOOP my nose, that would be great!"
Happy Mondog! I hope you have a good week. We are living through crazy times and I am grateful for all the wonderful photos on Mastodon. Thanks for sharing them.
Sis came out for my cancer surgery late 2023 and brought her dog Krypto. My running friend gave me a little stuffed bear while I was in the hospital recovering and when I got home Krypto adopted it. This was the scene when they packed up to drive back home. I still see the bear in photos she sends, it is his comfort bear.