the heiress' torn designer jeans
the heiress' torn designer jeans
false spring
who never meet
performance art
the politician's
fake tears
limited partnership
what's in a name?
Grandma reads us
a bedtime story
broken clouds
his lover's husband
gone to a better place
my parents'
grandfather clock
grandmother's life
a blessing in Spanish
and food on the table
urban renewal
an open invitation
to graffiti artists
pale morning sky
wondering where
my grandchildren will live
a sudden chill
his fiancée's
prior engagement
wild turkeys
on the putting green
laundry day
a pair of socks
Ides of March
my nephew
trains for war
today's headline
Boston Cream Pie
is actually a cake
Easter 2025
plastic eggs
in our baskets
my favorite niece
I won't tell her
she's my second cousin
making pasteles
my aunts shift gears
from English to Spanish
windless morning
my ex-wife's niece
still calls me "uncle"
distant family
my cousin-in-law
a published poet