Please right to your MP about the cuts to disability benefits, a form is available here:

Please right to your MP about the cuts to disability benefits, a form is available here:
Umming and ahhing about whether a #FediForum ticket is a wise investment for me atm.
Once the #PIP cuts hit I'll be trying to live in £375 a month unless I can find a new client and the spoons to actually do the work for them.
I just signed the petition “Reform the Recent Changes to Disability Benefits” and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach 1,000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
#pip #uk #DisabilityRightsUK #disabilityBenefits
#DisabledPeople explain the real cost of #LIEBour's #welfarecuts
#TricommissionStarmer #KeirtStalin #RedTories
#ClassWar #Austerity #Inequality #PIP
The Labour Party HATES Humans
Does the recent announcement about strangling the UK's Personal Independence Payment affect Scotland? They have ADP, not PIP.
Often the reports/discussions of "UK" policies should say "in England and Wales" (or just "in England" because Wales has some different systems too).
I don't know about this one.
BBC News - Working class don't want handouts, says Rayner
Nope, they don't want "A Handout".
They want #DisabilityBenfits #PIP #UniversalCredit... AKA: SOCIAL. SECURITY. FUNDS.
VITAL finances to help them navigate a world of #Disability, where #disabled people are vilified and are DEFINITELY NOT treated as EQUALS in ANY Way...
"Impact assessments of the #welfare reforms ... showed an additional 250,000 people being pushed into relative poverty as a result of the cuts to the personal independence payment and incapacity benefit."
I can't believe right as I was abut to apply for PIP it looks like it's going to be even more difficult to get.
"A single person losing #PIP daily living and LCWRA could lose £818 per month – 58% of their income"
Watch, share, and take action! Join us, donate, or volunteer to support the fight for disability rights and a fairer welfare system.
Get involved:
If I hear the words ‘difficult choices’ from #Labour #Starmer #Reeves #Rayner et al today in regards to cuts to #PIP etc I shall fucking scream. #Austerity #Disability #Carer
Amazing how the difficult choices always fal on those already struggling.
Na kanwie mema z dominem:
1. #setuptools zaczyna normalizować nazwy plików archiw binarych, w zgodzie z PEP 491.
n. #PyCXX nagle zaczyna instalować nagłówki w `/usr/include/python*/cxx` zamiast `CXX` (wielkimi literami).
Co ciekawe, problem dotyka zarówno paczek #pip i #installer. Krótko mówiąc, ścieżka instalacji nagłówków używa "nazwy dystrybucji", i wygląda na to, że w obydwu przypadkach nazwa ta pobierana jest z nazwy pliku. Nie wiem, czy to błąd, ale myślę, że zgłoszę, na wszelki wypadek. W installerze nawet jest notatka, wskazująca, że autor nie był pewny, czy używać oryginalnej, czy znormalizowanej nazwy.
Domino meme:
1. #setuptools starting to finally normalize wheel filenames per PEP 491.
n. #PyCXX suddenly installing header files into `/usr/include/python*/cxx` instead of uppercase `CXX`.
Funny enough, it affects both #pip and #installer. Long story short, the include install path uses "distribution name", and in both cases the distribution name is apparently taken from the filename. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but I guess i'll file bugs. Installer even has a TODO item to determine whether they should be using original or normalized name.
Cruel cuts to disability support: the Prime Minister needs to hear from your MP | Trussell
Cruel cuts to disability suppo...
Cruel cuts to disability support: the Prime Minister needs to hear from your MP | Trussell*asjbhv*_gcl_au*MTQ2ODA1NjU4Ny4xNzQyMjk4MDU3
@ChrisMayLA6 Mis-use of a Motability vehicle does not equal benefit fraud.
A claimant can rightfully get #PIP and apply for a Motability car but abuse occurs if the carer or family member does not use the car for the benefit of the claimant. For example, a family member is using the Motability car for commuting every day leaving the claimant without transport.
"Because Pip is a “gateway”, any disabled person who loses the benefit will not only lose that income but other entitlements too, such as free prescriptions & council tax deductions. Most starkly, removing someone’s Pip will mean their unpaid carer losing carer’s allowance – in effect pulling away two main strands of a family’s income at once"
#PIP #Disability #UKPolitics
‘I can’t sleep, I’m so scared’: disabled people face benefit cuts domino effect |The Guardian
Dodgy press releases coming thick and fast from the DWP - trying to justify the harm of the proposed welfare cuts by foul means.