How to participate in Portland’s budget process

How to participate in Portland’s budget process
Portland Trail Blazers 112, Washington Wizards 97 | Game Highlights | March 17, 2025 #basketball #DamianLillard #espn #HIGHLIGHTS: #HouseOfHighlights #MlgHighlights #NBA #Oregon #Portland #PortlandTrailBlazers #PortlandTrailBlazers #RipCity #scoothenderson #shaedonsharpe #TikTok #TrailBlazers #Trailblazers
Mika Paredes Named as Head Chef at French Bistro L’Échelle #aş #at #bistro #BistroFood #chef #chelle #eater #francais #france #French #FrenchBistroFood #FrontPage #head #L #mika #named #paredes #Portland #RestaurantNewsBusinessFoodIndustry
Toumani Camara receives the Defensive Player of the Month Award in the Western Conference for the month of February #basketball #NationalBasketballAssociation #NBA #NBAWesternConference #NBAWesternConferenceNorthwestDivision #Oregon #Portland #PortlandTrailBlazers #TrailBlazers
Deni Avdija Highlights | Portland Trail Blazers 112, Washington Wizards 97 | March 17, 2025 #basketball #DamianLillard #espn #HIGHLIGHTS: #HouseOfHighlights #MlgHighlights #NBA #Oregon #Portland #PortlandTrailBlazers #RipCity #scoothenderson #shaedonsharpe #TikTok #TrailBlazers #Trailblazers #WashingtonWizards #WashingtonWizards
"improve public #transportation in the region by identifying destinations you cannot reach by #transit, especially areas where you think #microtransit services could connect your community to existing bus, MAX and WES Commuter Rail stops. The survey is open through Sunday, May 4." #Portland #pdx #pdxBikes #triMet
Maine Special Olympians return home from games in Italy #AlpineSkiing #athletes #Italy #Maine #Portland #Snowshoeing #SpecialOlympics #WorldGames
[Post Game Thread] The Portland Trail Blazers (30-39) defeat The Washington Wizards (15-52) 112-97 #basketball #NationalBasketballAssociation #NBA #NBAWesternConference #NBAWesternConferenceNorthwestDivision #Oregon #Portland #PortlandTrailBlazers #TrailBlazers
@DeliaChristina #teammeteor needs to trend from now on.
On the plus side, #portland put this out on a Monday afternoon.
Join #350pdx on Monday, March 24 at 6pm at the Clinton Street Theater for How to Blow Up a Pipeline #Portland #pdx #ClimateAction
New server, new #introduction
I'm an artist of many mediums. I love tea, anime, and old goth music. I'm a pet parent to an amazing rescue dog. I want to get better at gardening.
I'd like to find other artists, weirdos, and local #portland people Maine Special Olympians return home from games in Italy #AlpineSkiing #athletes #italy #Maine #Portland #Snowshoeing #SpecialOlympics #WorldGames
Asking for boosts again
Sharing this again because we still haven't reached our goal, and I might end up increasing that a bit. I am unable to work and go to school simultaneously, due to my chronic pain/illness, it's just too hard on my body. That means I will have no income over the summer, and will have to figure out selling my jewelry. I want to be able to save some of the funds for her celebration of life, and not have it all end up going to bills.
Where we're at: cremation was fully covered, which was $1350. The most important thing! Right now any extra has gone to bills, and I am working to save as much as possible. It's hard to plan for a celebration when I am not sure what I am working with money wise. Dying is so expensive.
If you're local to Portland and would like to buy some of my handmade whimsigoth jewelry let me know, and that is another way you can help! I'll get some pictures up soon.
I still appreciate everyone that has helped so far in any way, it means so much to me!
Trail Blazers Beat Raptors in Game That Highlights the NBA’s Tanking Mess. There’s a Good Solution #AnferneeSimons #AntSimons #basketball #Blazers #BlazersBasketball #ChaunceyBillups #ClingKong #Clingan #Deni #DeniAvdija #DonovanClingan #JeramiGrant #NBA #Portland #PortlandBasketball #PortlandTrailBlazers #PortlandTrailBlazers #scoot #ScootHenderson #Shae #Shaedon #ShaedonSharpe #sharpe #TrailBlazers #Trailblazers
There’s a new women’s (no gi) jiu-jitsu & kickboxing studio on NW Kearny in #Portland, so I booked a trial class on April 1st!
@godpod it very much feels like there's an uneasy truce right now in #Portland, which is probably one of Tesla's major markets and is full of everyday nice middle class people with a Model Y who may be unable to take a loss with replacement. Too much friendly fire for the black bloc types. But I would not recommend bringing a #Cybertruck anywhere near the city.