Gene Hackman in Superman (1978) per la regia di Richard Donner
Gene Hackman in Superman (1978) per la regia di Richard Donner
A 'Goonies' sequel is in the works with Steven Spielberg producing. #xennials #goonies #thegoonies #gooniesneversaydie #seanastin #stevenspielberg #coreyfeldman #richarddonner #joshbrolin #jeffcohen
#Superman (1978)
An alien orphan is sent from his dying planet to Earth, where he grows up to become his adoptive home's first and greatest superhero.
Director #RichardDonner shoots #ChristopherReeve flying by.
#TheOmen (1976)
Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?
#GregoryPeck and Director #RichardDonner wait for a scene set-up.
#TheSixthSense. Created by #AnthonyLawrence. Paranormal thriller series that aired on #ABC starting in 1972 for 2 seasons of 25 episodes. Parapsychology researcher who has ESP, and his partner attempt to solve supernatural crimes and mysteries. Aired on Saturday nights up against #CBS's #MissionImpossible and #NBC's #SaturdayNightAtTheMovies. #JohnBadham and #RichardDonner were some of its episode directors.
Began as a #NIGHTGALLERY spin off with some of the episodes actually having aired on the NIGHT GALLERY series itself.
The series even had a paperback book tie in.