These Are the 10 DOGE Operatives Inside the Social Security Administration | WIRED

These Are the 10 DOGE Operatives Inside the Social Security Administration | WIRED
Call your Senators NOW! We Need to Hold the Line!
The #senate is going to be voting on the conyinuing resolution, and we need U.S. citizens to apply pressure
Recording Reveals SSA Head Dudek’s Thoughts on DOGE, Trump
#BernieSanders rips apart #ElonMusk & #DOGE destroying U.S. Welfare in powerful speech
WAS HE HIGH?!! Glassy-Eyed #WhiteSupremaicst Conspiracist #AdolphMusk Has Trouble Finishing Sentences During #FOXnotnews !!
Elon Musk Eyeballing You And Your Grandma’s Social Security Money
#MaxwellFrost Tears into #Elonmusk Over 'Constant Lie' About #SocialSecurity
Tom Cotton Does Nothing as OPM Hack Equivalent Happens in Plain Sight - emptywheel
House Republicans can’t meet their budget target without cutting Medicaid and Medicare after all | The Mary Sue
How Social Security Administration Cuts Affect You
A timely research paper looking at SSA staff cuts in the 1980s found that it led to tens of thousands of Americans not getting their earned benefits.
Trump Presents the Gravest Threat to Social Security in Its 90-Year History
It isn’t too late to stop this disaster. Everyone should call their members of Congress. Tell them that cuts to the Social Security Administration are cuts to Social Security.
Attention Deficit and Defiance Division of Labor: There's Stuff Happening Where You're Not Looking - emptywheel
"Right now, people earning over $176,100 pay absolutely nothing into Social Security once that amount has been covered. To make Social Security solvent for the next 75 years, and even give a small raise to everybody on it, the simple fix is for the rich to just start paying Social Security income on all of their income, rather than only the first $176,100.
"The entire solvency and health of Social Security could be cured permanently, in other words, if we simply did away with the “billionaire loophole” in the Social Security tax.
"But the idea of having to pay a tax on all their income so that middle class and low income people can retire comfortably fills America’s billionaires with dread and disgust. So much so that not one single Republican publicly supports the idea.
"How dare Americans have the temerity, they argue, to demand morbidly rich people help support the existence of an American middle class or help keep orphans and severely disabled people from being thrown out on the streets!"
Guess Retired Republicans Are So Rich They Don't Need Social Security Checks!
“The former head of the Social Security Administration warns that proposed cuts to the agency could lead the entire system to “collapse,” disrupting benefits payments to millions of Americans.“
We can #SaveSocialSecurity the office closures and workforce cuts are designed to kill #socialSecurity. no one elected Elon Musk. This is our government not his toy. These are our lives. we already have representatives running scared. Let’s remind them who they work for.
Former Social Security Chief Warns Musk Is Breaking the Program
GOP Blocks Bill To Give Grandma $2,400 More A Month