Gonna reach deep into the memory banks for a classic by Venezuelan rock band Sentimiento Muerto
"Manos Frías"
I almost forgot #TuneTuesday! The theme is #ShowUsYourHands.
There's something about this song that I have always loved.
Hands across the water (water)
Heads across the sky
Oh no the #TuneTuesday theme this week is #ShowUsYourHands
and also my K-pop song of 2024
#HoldMyHand by #Han
Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #ThickTrunkTuesday
9: #worldcancerday
8: #tapestry
7: #MechName
6: #MardiPatisserie
5: #soocon25
4: #tercinema
3: #showusyourhands
2: #TuneTuesday
1: #dogromancesongsorpoems
For #TuneTuesday, I thought of several possibilities, but finally settled on ‘Fingertips’ by They Might Be Giants. It’s short, chaotic, and weird—just like my attention span. #ShowUsYourHands
Dear Metalheads,
for today's #TuneTuesday with the topic #ShowUsYourHands I choose one of my alltime fav #Thrash Songs:
Coroner - Die By My Hand
Peter Gabriel urges you to Lay Your Hands On Me for #TuneTuesday #showusyourhands
#Cake disputes the future for #TuneTuesday with Palm Of Your Hand. #showusyourhands
I wish I could remaster #NeilGaiman, but I guess I'll have to settle for #ToriAmos talking about a Tear In Your Hand for #TuneTuesday and #showusyourhands. Hey, Neil, maybe you should have kept your hands to yourself? What a shame (since you have none).
Kiss With A Fist - Florence & The Machine
My last post for #TuneTuesday with the theme #ShowUsyourhands
Nobody posted Primus.
That's sad.
Primus - Shake hands with Beef
#tunetuesday #showusyourhands #countrymusic
Daddy's Hands by Holly Dunn
One of the two non-gospel songs played at my Dad's funeral.
Second-hand Second Hand News, courtesy of #MatthewSweet and #SusannaHoffs for #TuneTuesday. Get better, Matthew. #showusyourhands
Take a look at these hands... say #TalkingHeads for #TuneTuesday #showusyourhands
Every day is a good day to listen to Emma. Even in a #TuneTuesday, even when it's time to #ShowUsYourHands.
Emma Ruth Rundle "Hand of God"