This week let’s take a look at the Drift, the Pact Worlds setting equivalent of Hyperspace. Also, 2E stats for the Garaggakal!

This week let’s take a look at the Drift, the Pact Worlds setting equivalent of Hyperspace. Also, 2E stats for the Garaggakal!
Friday Night Lashunta Inspiration, Part ~Zhoa
Another by Abhishek Singh @abhiart
So confession: the antennae attracted. I'm a little less sure about the ears.
Starfinder: Angels of the Drift preview. Five down-on-their-luck mercenaries sign on to help a robotic avatar of the hyperspace dimension bring starship technology to a previously uncontacted planet #starfinder #comics #comicbooks
This week, new revelations about the first Adventure Path for Starfinder 2E - Guilt of the Grave World.
Just uploaded my latest terrain tutorial to youtube (i.e. the shuttle I've been working on recently).
Lashunta Worldbuilding: The Legend of Tess & Shotaviras
This week we look at 2 pages from the playtest that might just save your character's life. Let's talk about Shields.
Guess What Day It Is??
Castrovel Woodsy Wednesday!
Artist: Tumas Korpi (artstation)
What's living in this den? Castrovel's giant megadendra trees may create some interesting habitation possibilities. Do megadendra attract megafauna?
I've been out of the loop for a bit and have #Starfinder questions
Can anyone give me, or point me to a quick summary of WHY Paizo seems to be distributing the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest as if it's not even remotely a playtest?
I'm not saying it isn't. I'm saying this isn't how playtests are normally treated and I'm confused and don't understand, and feel like maybe this "playtest" will last years?
Halp with understanding please?
Lashunta Architectural Inspiration
Artist: Tuomas Korpi (artstation)
A thought: what if megedendra milktrees aren't the only option for Lashunta organic housing? Maybe giant mushroom, a little less psychically sentient, are a viable option to hollow out and make internal rooms?
This week is a deep dive into Pathfinder and Starfinder lore to trace the origin of humanity and how they've spread through the Galaxy.
I had fun this afternoon helping a friend with the level 5 Pahtra Soldier, Whisk, they’re making for the SF2E game I’m running Sunday. They’re a bubbly and flashy Pahtra who likes to make things go boom. I gave them an Advanced Machine Gun, and a Stellar Cannon. Because of their Feat and heritage choices, even in Heavy armor their speed is still 25ft. This should make Sunday a fund session.
Paizo's Pathfinder and Starfinder Get a Complete Comics Humble Bundle. The final hours! Don't miss out! #comics #pathfinder #starfinder