Ice Cream Social! This weekend. Like, Share, Comment on this post all that respond between now and midnight end of Sunday will go into the March Starter Pack! #StarterPacks #Bluesky #Followers #Community #IceCream #Harris2024
Ice Cream Social! This weekend. Like, Share, Comment on this post all that respond between now and midnight end of Sunday will go into the March Starter Pack! #StarterPacks #Bluesky #Followers #Community #IceCream #Harris2024
Does #mastodon have a feature similar to #starterpacks on Blue Sky? I think a user-driven list of accounts would be very valuable.
Jeg har lige opdaget den her side:
Man kan logge ind med sin Mastodon-konto og så søge efter starterpacks. Så kan du følge folk derfra.
Man kan også lave sine egne lister, som man så kan dele med folk. Tænk fx en starterpack til din vennekreds. Hver gang nogle af dem kommer ind i fediverset kan de starte ud med at følge en masse de kender.
@musenhain Genau, das war mir auch aufgefallen. Warum auch immer das so ist. Hat das was mit mit vorhandenen Kontakten zu tun?
Ich bin absichtlich einigen für mich interessante Kontakten gefolgt, die ich in irgendwelchen #Starterpacks (Mastodon, Friendica) gefunden habe.
Bin ich der einzige, der die Benutzung der #Mastodon #starterpacks total dämlich findet?!?
Oder liegt es daran, das ich #tusky nutze und Webinhalte im Browser haben will?!?
Discovering via social media without being on social media
Since the #fediverse loves its starter packs, #didyouknow that #rss has #starterpacks ? They are called #opml files.
You can upload load them to your favorite #rssfeedreader
Take a look at for OPML files based on subject.
Searching for new people to be friends with?
Check out the Starter Pack Feed!
Made with love through
#GrazeNation #
#StarterPacks #Bluesky #ATmosphere
@antonio personalmente pienso que cuanto más tenga el usuario que elegir, peor (desde una perspectiva #UX, por supuesto). Los #starterpacks de Bluesky me parecen una idea muy interesante. La visibilidad entre instancias al buscar me parece un básico. @acambronero
@mrdk Thanks for taking a stab at this. I wish I understood what it means within the context of creating a starter pack on that server. I wonder if there are any other ways to do #MastodonStarterPacks #StarterPacks that are more straightforward?
Has anyone used to create a Mastodon Starter Pack for specific subjects to help new people find accounts? It's a great idea. I'm thinking about creating some, but don't want to step on any toes--they would be more like personally curated lists rather than official lists on a subject. #StarterPacks #Fediverse #MastodonMigration
BTW. ;-)
If you want to check which #StarterPacks contain your profiles, you can use the following search:
¿QUIERES APARECER EN LA LISTA? Asegúrate que en tu perfil está activada la opción de ser descubierto (Perfil > Privacidad y alcance) y avísame en @paukokura
Tip para recién llegadas. Pásate por los #starterpacks y crea los tuyos.
If you're new to #SocialBC or the #Fediverse, there are "starter packs" to help get stuff in your timeline. @arbutus made one for us!
Click the link below and sign in or follow one of the accounts. When it asks you to specify "your instance" it’s
You might need to come back and click the link again to go to the starter pack.
Have fun building a better feed!
(You can also click on and follow hashtags!)
#Mastodon #CanadianMastodon
Wonder is the fedidevs #starterPacks will remain mastodon exclusive or if there is a plan to add support for #pixelfed
@pixelcats How long has #Mastodon had #starterpacks ?
I've been using those for a hot minute on #bsky