Restrung the Levin, after it got covered in Guinness at the gig on Thursday and then I broke a string.
Gave it a polish during the process and then found it was really slippery to hold whilst stringing it!
Restrung the Levin, after it got covered in Guinness at the gig on Thursday and then I broke a string.
Gave it a polish during the process and then found it was really slippery to hold whilst stringing it!
Two of my favorite songs!
Polyfamily | Official Trailer | TLC | April 29
A fascinating, vulnerable and unpredictable look at love, loyalty and the complexities of modern family life.
TLC’s New ‘Polyfamily’ Series Looks At Two Couples Who Live Together As A “Closed Polyamorous Quad”; Unveils Trailer & Premiere Date
#News #Trailers #Polyfamily #Premieredates #TLC
Alec Baldwin’s kids ‘want more money’ before Season 2 of reality show #AlecBaldwin #CELEBRITYCHILDREN #CelebrityCouples #CELEBRITYDADS #CELEBRITYFAMILIES #CELEBRITYMARRIAGES #CELEBRITYMOMS #CelebrityNews #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #HilariaBaldwin #parents #RealityStars #REALITYTV #tlc #tv
I used to think The #LumberCartel was a funny anti-spam thing from the 90s that was a figment of Spamford’s imagination and that was picked up by those scrambling to make blocklists and Bayesian analysis work.
Now convinced the thing might exist. #TLC
“Trump orders massive forest clearings to curb US reliance on foreign timber”
TLC has renewed its new hit reality series "Baylen Out Loud" for a second season. The show follows Baylen Dupree and her family as she naviagtes a life with Tourette Syndrome.
‘Baylen Out Loud’ Renewed For Season 2 By TLC
#News #BaylenOutLoud #TLC
TLC Renews ‘Baylen Out Loud’ For Season 2 (EXCLUSIVE)
#Variety #News #BaylenOutLoud #Tlc
Hilaria Baldwin didn’t understand prenup, told Alec she’d sign #AlecBaldwin #CelebritiesNews #CelebrityCouples #CELEBRITYMARRIAGES #CelebrityNews #Entertainment #HilariaBaldwin #prenups #RealityStars #REALITYTV #tlc #tv
Los cuestionamientos hacia el TLC entre Costa Rica e Israel
Los cuestionamientos hacia el TLC entre Costa Rica e Israel
En un artículo del pasado 13 de febrero titulado “Costa Rica: comerciar libremente con Israel… como si ¿nada pasara?” el autor, quien es un académico y asiduo escritor de documentos sobre Derecho Internacional, propone una serie de argumentos cuestionando la [...]
#CargaIdeológica #ColectivoLGBTIQ+ #Gaza #Israel #Opinión #RepúblicaPopularDeChina #TLC
Rust Shooting, Dad Jokes and Hilaria’s Spanish #AlecBaldwin #CelebritiesNews #HalynaHutchins #HilariaBaldwin #RUST #TheBaldwins #tlc
Alec Baldwin ‘happier’ asleep after fatal ‘Rust’ shooting #AlecBaldwin #CelebritiesTopics #CelebrityCouples #CELEBRITYFAMILIES #CELEBRITYMARRIAGES #CelebrityNews #HilariaBaldwin #MentalHealth #RealityShow #RealityStars #REALITYTV #shootings #tlc #tv
Hilaria Baldwin recalls telling Alec she’d ‘just sign’ a prenup #AlecBaldwin #BillyBaldwin #Celebrities #CELEBRITYCHILDREN #CelebrityCouples #Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #HilariaBaldwin #RealityStars #REALITYTV #television #tlc
Hilaria Baldwin teases whether she and Alec signed prenup #AlecBaldwin #CelebritiesNews #CelebrityCouples #CELEBRITYMARRIAGES #CelebrityNews #Entertainment #HilariaBaldwin #movies #prenups #RealityStars #REALITYTV #tlc #tv