Well. That happened. Our cruise ship almost left without us. They had to redock and pick the two of us up
Good morning. We made it to Kairo and into our hotel room late in the evening, so we basically collapsed into bed to sleep. Unfortunately neither of us slept much cos there's a construction site right below our window and they worked the whole night through #TripDiary
Boarding started 60min before the flight. Wow. And I got a window seat #TripDiary
It took less than ten minutes to get from the terminal entrance through check-in and security to find our way to the gate.... now we have to wait 2hrs for our flight. #TripDiary
On the way to the airport *heavy breathing* #TripDiary
It's flight day! Sister still needs to do some packing and then the waiting for airport taxi continues #TripDiary
Since work place is directly next to my work place, I could wave goodbye and colleagues opened the window to wave back now on the train that is on time, surprisingly
Just left the house. Time to start wondering if I've forgotten something #TripDiary
To no one's surprise, the journey starts with a message from the Deutsche Bahn saying the train was switched to another one as long as there IS a train and I got a seat, I'm fine