First was the @etui Cyborg Workers conference. Standouts for me were the initial session with Renny Hahamovitch (anxieties and hopes of the space age worker), Eszter Bartha (automation in the GDR and Hungary), and Craig Gent (getting real with management), as well as the opening keynote on day 2 by Jason Resnikoff (technology, management, and worker power). Highly recommend the whole event
Day 1:
Day 2: (2/9) #unions #AI
“If you were accepted to #ColumbiaUniversity, don’t come here,” tweeted a student. “This school will ruin your life for a #McChicken and a nice tweet from Donald Trump.”
What’s disgusting ?
Union busting.
"I'd like to say sorry. It wasn't meant to play out that way. It was just a big bloody game of chess and we were both pawns."
War on the Waterfront
#MUA #HereToStay #dockers #labormovement #maritimeworkers #scabs #stevedores #transportworkers #unions #wharfies #workingclasshistory
The current #juniorwages system means big businesses like #Coles #Maccas and #Woolies are taking $3.5 billion off young workers every year And it doesn't end there! Young workers under 18 don't earn #superannuation (unless they work full time) and our young #apprentices are still not earning enough to get by!
#Argentina: #GeneralStrike called against repression of protests, economic policies like wage suppression, and increased #IMF debt
The #media, the #government, the #unions, all colluding to spin the same lie and feather their nest of self-importance.
Anyone who's ever experienced such a shake-up knows that the vast majority of these roles are essential to the adminstrative function of the largest organisation in the country. They will be #tupe d to other govt depts or back to the #NHS proper.
Wes Streeting’s ‘high-stakes’ abolition of NHS England will cut 10,000 jobs
Pluralistic: The future of Amazon coders is the present of Amazon warehouse workers (13 Mar 2025)
#ILA has a new contract. Big raise, held firm on automation
#Starbucks: Employees stage #SitIn in #Chicago, 11 arrested for criminal trespass
#Germany: #Ubisoft game devs seek to hold management accountable for #layoffs. "The bosses take the profits, but don’t care for the workers."
#Argentina: "we will all be retirees" - retirees organize march against government over #pensions, joined by football fans and #unions. Government responds with tear gas and water jets
Why Screwing Unions Screws the Entire Middle Class by Kevin Drum for Mother Jones (old article)
Drum passed away on March 7. He was 66 and had been living with multiple myeloma for 11 years.
#Solidarity #Unions #Press
(Noch) mehr #musk und #trump wagen oder wie? Ein Blick in die #usa reicht um sich leicht vorstellen zu können, welche Beamten #linnemann hier insbesondere im Blick hat.
#linnemann ist brandgefährlich. Man sollte sich von seinem bubenhaften Aussehen nicht täuschen lassen.
Via #EmmaBubola for the #NewYorkTimes - Mar 12, 2025
Employees at the #Aviano Air Base who serve #American forces got a familiar demand to list their achievements. #Unions say Italy “is not the Wild West like the U.S.”
The result set the stage for a puzzling clash of cultures, with the world’s richest man and his job-thrashing chain saw on one side, and one of the world’s most protective champions of the forever job on the other.