Accessibility research Frequently Asked Questions, by Fable #a11y #usability #usabilityTesting

Accessibility research Frequently Asked Questions, by Fable #a11y #usability #usabilityTesting
@stuffbreaker Is this a "Hot Take"? I thought this was _just the facts_.
If there is a developer between you and an end user your user is the developer. Make their job easier, bring #a11y to the surface, bring #performance to the surface, bring #usability to the surface by making it such that what is easy is what is right and what is right will serve their use (maybe the end user) in was that they would likely not have done without your #designSystem.
Ebenso unglücklich bin ich beim Ersatz von #GoogleCalendar auf #Android. Ich bin mal ruckzuck vom Regen in die Traufe auf #Samsung Kalender umgestiegen, aber die Wochenansicht mit zwei abonnierten Kalender per #ics URL ist doch sehr, sehr bescheiden. Welche App könnt ihr mir empfehlen, die vor allem mit #Usability punktet? Danke für eure Hinweise. #unplugtrump
Q&A zur #Selbstständigkeit in #UX!
Offene Runde für UX-Freelancer & alle, die es werden wollen.
Stelle deine Fragen & tausche dich aus!
27.03.2025 |
18–19 Uhr
Analyzing Software Quality Dimensions: Functionality, Usability and Reliability Interplay #Software #Analyzing #Quality #Dimensions #Reliability #Usability
Is Security Human Factors Research Skewed Towards Western Ideas and Habits?
Really interesting research: “How WEIRD is Usable Privacy and Security Research?” by Ayako A. Hasegawa Daisuke Inoue, and Mitsuaki Akiyama:
The new is now live! The first visual/UX/logo/color refresh since the original site was built 10 years ago, the refreshed blog has realigned for enhance navigation and discoverability, while also sporting a spiffy new look and feel. Enjoy! #design #redesigns #realign #data #discoverability #usability
UX360 Europe 2025 – die Konferenz für #UXresearch & digitale Innovation!
14.–15. Mai 2025 |
25+ Speaker, Case Studies & neueste UX-Methoden.
15 % Rabatt für German UPA Mitglieder!
Infos & Tickets:
New washing machine was installed yesterday and today I’m seriously considering making a spreadsheet of all the programmes. Or maybe an iPhone app.
30 years ago on my Human-Computer Interaction post-grad we studied the usability failings of VCRs. It appears that washing machines are the rightful heir to this infamy.
The manufacturer is clearly aware of this as the machine has a “fuck it / don’t care” button.
Designing Safety-critical #interface s entails proving the #safety and operational #usability of each component.
See this experimentation-based
#typographical #design #study for safety-critical contexts.
It lead #Airbus to engage a group of designers to create a special #truetype #font, called B612. You can use #B612 for free:
Cronn Event Space am Bonner Bogen, Donnerstag, 20. März um 19:00 MEZ
Der Bonner Meetup für Usability- und User-Experience-Interessierte. Wie immer mit spannenden Vorträgen, Freigetränken und ganz viel Networking. Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Bitte vorab bei Eventbrite registrieren:
Welche UX-Fortbildungen lohnen sich wirklich?
Beim Online-Event der Arbeitskreises Qualitätsstandards am 18.3. diskutieren Jasmin Kuhn & Guido Tesch mit Dir ausführlich über Qualität & Nutzen.
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Usability testing with disabled users is a good investment
#podpodcast #openSourceSecurity
Episode 351 - Is security or usability a law of the universe?
#episode #security #usability #law #universe
Josh and Kurt talk about end to end encrypted messages. This has been a popular topic lately due to the Mastodon popularity. Mastodon has a uniquely insecure messaging system, but they aren't the only one. The eternal debate of can security and usability exist together? We suspect it can't be, but it's a very complicated topic. Show Notes EFF on Mastodon DM privacy Towards End-to-End Encryption for Direct Messages in the Fediverse Pluralistic: 14 Nov 2022 Even if you're paying for the product, you're still the...
Have there been any studies on the usability of “tools" in draw and paint apps being worse than people thought that I missed, or why do so many drawing apps no longer have a tool palette and just create a single new object at a default size/color?
Or worse, do like Pixelmator Pro these days and have tools, but most of them are hidden in 3 levels of submenus? Userforum – kurzzeitig offline für mehr Sicherheit & Übersichtlichkeit
Am 12. März 2025 um ca. 22 Uhr erhält unser Userforum wichtige Sicherheits- und Usability-Updates. Dafür wird es bis zu 30 Minuten offline sein. Mit dem Update bieten wir einen verbesserten Dokumentenaustausch sowie stärkere Schutzmechanismen.
Das Forum kann während der Wartung nicht genutzt werden, steht danach aber wie gewohnt zur Verfügung. Danke für Ihr Verständnis!
@petrillic let me tell you about #Teams on #iOS… it uses a dark theme and everything is dark gray, INCLUDING THE FRIGGIN’ field where I’m supposed to type my name in!
The first time, I was very confused by the disabled button. It took me a minute to discover the « hidden » text box.
#Usability was great 10 years ago. Today, not so much.
As a user I want to login to a website or app by providing username, password and 2nd factor after which I recieve an email with a link I need to klick.
Продолжаю улучшать VK Видео / клавиатуры для TV приложений
Так круто, что одной статьей можно сделать жизнь людей, чуть-чуть, но все же проще. Ни славы, ни благодарности, ни вознаграждения за свой вклад в развитие продукта я не получил, но разве только для этого человек живет и трудится? Я искренне убежден, что — нет. Я могу себе позволить день работы, чтобы уставшего после трудового дня, честного человека не «бесила» клавиатура VK Видео или RuTube при поиске очередной серии любимого сериала.
Here's a KDE Plasma 6 power feature you probably had no idea existed.
Hit Meta+T on your keyboard.
You can define tiles on each of your screens.
Now grab a window and hold shift - it will snap to the closest tile!
This way you can arrange windows on your screen(s) in a way that will keep them sharing your screen's area without ever overlapping.
Doing this manually always took so much time and was so fiddly...
You're welcome!