A Discovery of Witches S02E09 released in 2021
Diana (witch) calms her husband Michael (vampire) afflicted by blood rage like Black Widow calmed Hulk before she gave her
A Discovery of Witches S02E09 released in 2021
Diana (witch) calms her husband Michael (vampire) afflicted by blood rage like Black Widow calmed Hulk before she gave her
Hopefully the 'jumping' has improved
#ThenAndNow #WesleySnipes #RosiePerez #WoodyHarrelson
1991 Jungle Fever Movie Commercial
#JungleFever #Movie #WesleySnipes #SpikeLee #AnnabellaSciorra #AnthonyQuinn #Movies #BlackMastodon #BlackFriday #BalckFedi
Demolition Man 2 (2025) – First Trailer | Sylvester Stallone, Sandra Bullock https://www.inbella.com/871802/demolition-man-2-2025-first-trailer-sylvester-stallone-sandra-bullock/ #action #crime #demolition #DemolitionMan #DemolitionMan(movie) #DemolitionMan2 #DemolitionManSequel #DemolitionManTrailer #DenisLeary #FemaleCelebrities #film #hd #JohnSpartan #man #MarcoBrambilla #movie #MovieClip #SanAngeles #SandraBullock #SciFi #SilvesterStallone #SimonPhoenix #stallone #SylvesterStallone #SylvesterStallone(celebrity) #WesleySnipes
Dec 20 : Features R&B, Funk or Blues music
#Bales2024FilmChallenge #FilmMastodon
#MoBetterBlues (1990)
Jazz trumpeter Bleek Gilliam makes questionable decisions in his professional and romantic lives.
#DenzelWashington #SpikeLee #WesleySnipes
Dec 20 : Features R&B, Funk or Blues music
#Bales2024FilmChallenge #FilmMastodon
#MoBetterBlues (1990)
Jazz trumpeter Bleek Gilliam makes questionable decisions in his professional and romantic lives.
#DenzelWashington #SpikeLee #WesleySnipes
#Explosions #MoviesAndSeriesWithABang #FilmMastodon
#DemolitionMan (1993)
Spartan thinks the hostages that Phoenix took are dead,so he goes after Phoenix and blowing up the building he was in.
#SylvesterStallone #WesleySnipes
Ryan Reynolds, the master of manifesting cinematic dreams, is at it again. This time, he’s aiming for a grand farewell for Wesley Snipes’ Blade, hoping to give the vampire hunter a send-off as epic as Hugh Jackman’s “Logan.” Let’s dive into this crossover chaos and see why Reynolds believes Blade deserves the Logan treatment.
#happybirthday @wesleysnipes #wesleysnipes #actor #blade #bladetrinity #deadpoolandwolverine #demolitionman #whitemencantjump #usmarshals #thecontractor #newjackcity #towongfoo #BackontheStrip #coming2america #theexpendables #passenger57 #undisputed #majorleague #moneytrain #murderat1600 #theartofwar #dropzone #thefan #streetsofgold
#Passenger57 (1992)
An airline security expert must take action when he finds himself trapped on a passenger jet when terrorists seize control of it.
#WesleySnipes #BrucePayne
#CarChaseInMovies #FilmMastodon
#MoneyTrain (1995)
John #WesleySnipes and Charlie #WoodyHarrelson chase a suspect through the subway.
(Clip Link https://youtu.be/r86n2JRUyRc?si=yRsquA3CA37dj1iL)
New Years Eve
#MoneyTrain (1995)
During the New Year celebration, John realizes Charlie has a bag with over $500,000, much to his dismay.
#WesleySnipes #WoodyHarrelson
#CarChaseInMovies #FilmMastodon
#USMarshals (1998)
Chief Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard #TommyLeeJones chases after Mark Roberts #WesleySnipes
(Clip Link https://youtu.be/anxl7-GSUN8?si=PV_sJQrwg82_nQVQ)
#SportInMovies #GetYourGameOn #FilmMastodon
#WhiteMenCantJump (1992)
Black and white basketball hustlers join forces to double their chances of winning money on the street courts and in a basketball tournament.
#WesleySnipes #WoodyHarrelson
The movie #DemolitionMan was released 30 years ago
''You're gonna regret this the rest of your life... both seconds of it.''
The movie #RisingSun was released 30 years ago
''Do you know what's true? When something sounds too good to be true, then it's not true.''
The right answer to yesterday's
Can you name this #WesleySnipes movie was
Blade and Nyssa - Blade 2
Can you name this #WesleySnipes movie + The Characters name?