The coup is coming from inside the White House.
The coup is coming from inside the White House.
Make no mistake, #Whitenationalist #Hegseth saying that reverting the name of #FortLiberty back to #FortBragg is in honor of a #WWII #veteran is just cover for him wanting to continue to honor the #Confederate general #BraxtonBragg. Just another indication of our acceleration towards a #fascist White nationalist state.
Darren J. Beattie self-identifies as a "proud jew."
He was fired by Trump, under pressure, for appearing at a 2016 H.L. Mencken Club, a white nationalist hate group, according to #SPLC.
He was later appointed by Trump on a commission monitoring holocaust memorial sites.
Today he has a high-level position at Stae Dept. - Rubio's pick for - Undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs.
This is bizarre. A jew white nationalist, just like Stephen Miller. Wild! Just wild.
When the time comes we know who's going into the ovens first. That I'd pay to see.
I'll help close the door!
Darren Beattie, a political theorist with a PhD from Duke University, has been appointed by Marco Rubio to the position of acting undersecretary of state for public diplomacy.
Beattie was previously fired from the Trump White House in 2018 for speaking at a #whitenationalist conference. #GOP..
Federal agencies are now banned from celebrating Black History Month, Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, National American Indian Heritage Month, LGBTQ Pride Month, Women’s History Month, Juneteenth, Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Celebrating meritless white men who have failed upwards their entire lives will continue to be honored daily.
The result is an uneasy coalition cracking under the weight of exclusion and #racial resentment. Online #racism targeting #Indians neatly highlights this growing rift, as #whitenationalist priorities increasingly clash with the global ambitions of #indian migrants.
#DickDurbin, the top Dem on the #Senate #Judiciary Cmte, pressed #KashPatel on appearances he made on a podcast hosted by #StewPeters. Peters has often expressed #antisemitic & #WhiteNationalist views.
Pressed by Durbin about why he has associated w/so many #extremists & #ConspiracyTheorists, Patel claimed he went on podcasts to take on people putting out #ConspiracyTheories in order to disabuse them of their false impressions & to talk to them about the truth. A flat-out #lie.
So, I took the day away from reading the news and what happened? Pete #Hegseth; #OpusDei #WhiteNationalist Drunken Wife Beater is now the #SecretaryOfDefense. I haven't looked at who voted for him, but there better not be any Ds on that list.
As Cassandra I say; This is bad. This is very, very bad.
As someone raised around special forces my whole life, I say; This is way worse than civvies know. I spoke to a [redacted] at [redacted base] today and he said that a lot of the command sector, who have all served well past when they could have retired, are considering retiring asap. #defense #uspol #OhFuckNo
The #ProudBoys Ohio chapter posted to a clip of the Musk video to its Telegram channel with the text, “Hail Trump!”
A chapter of the #whitenationalist group #WhiteLivesMatter posted a note of appreciation on Telegram, along with a picture of a banner drop the group had previously executed at a freeway overpass reading: “Elon Musk Stop White Genocide.” The Telegram caption read, “Thanks for (sometimes) hearing us, Elon. #TheWhiteFlame will rise again.”
The #ProudBoys are marching through DC in support of #Trump
A large group of Proud Boys, the #WhiteNationalist organization whose leaders were sentenced to prison for their roles in the #Jan6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, has amassed in a march across downtown DC.
The group of about 50, clothed in signature colors of black & gold, had begun marching through the streets of DC. this morning, waving flags that read "The Proud Boys did nothing wrong” & “Trump 2024!”
Make no mistake, this scummy #WhiteNationalist is talking about #terrorism and socially-sanctioned #hate -- she is suggesting that American #migrants of non-European origin be made to feel afraid and unwelcome so that they leave. This was the #KKK's whole thing in the 1920s.
Meet DJT's nominee for US #SecretaryOfDefense, a #WhiteNationalist
spokesman on Fox News, whose bicep has a tattoo of the “Jerusalem cross,” a symbol of the ancient caucasian #HolyWar against #Muslims and #Jews, and his autobiography #AmericanCrusade that portrays him as a hero against the "woke"
Women's #CollegeBasketball team in Spokane to play #NCAA #MarchMadness Basketball in #HooptownUSA complains of being bussed to hotel in #Idaho and exposed to racist epithets from #IdahoFreedomFoundation in Coeur D'Alene , a known hotbed of reprobate #WhiteNationalist #WhiteSupremacist militia activity
A #HardRight #WhiteNationalist #Xtian #Texas #Oil #Billionaire is doing more than getting people to #PrayForTrump , he's a key figure paying #LarryKudlow and other servants to #mobilize and enforce the #AmericaFirst #PAC agenda on the rest of the country once they retake the reins in #WashingtonDC
Monied Misogynist & Wily #WhiteNationalist #Billionaire #PeterThiel busted out his greatest racist hits, regaling elite NYC #NewCriterion banquet of fellow rich folk , including the Winkelvoss twins, with speech equating threat of "diversity" to a "gorilla jumping up and down".
As Marjorie Taylor Greene endorses the dissolution of the United States, the question is whether House GOP leaders will bother to care.
This morning, as some elected officials released statements recognizing the Presidents’ Day holiday, the right-wing congresswoman published a message to Twitter that steered clear of traditional American patriotism. The missive read in its entirety:
“We need a #national #divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s [sic] traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”
At face value, this isn’t especially surprising. Greene has earned a reputation as one of the most radical members of Congress in recent memory. She’s expressed support for #violence against Democratic elected officials, and a year ago, the Georgia Republican appeared at a #WhiteNationalist event.
The fact that the congresswoman has endorsed a vision in which Americans “separate by red states and blue states” is entirely in line with everything we know about her.
Mainstream policial discourse often discusses #whitesupremacy in terms of violence, conspiracy theories, or extreme rhetoric.
But comparatively few are as willing to connect #whitenationalist motivations to long-established policy areas, such as public education funding, criminal justice, international law, and of course #immigration.
The EU is just as guilty as the US for enforcing a white nationalist immigration system which has led to the deaths of likely tens of thousands of humans who were born in Latin America, Africa, or Western Asia.