#RAGA had an arm called the "Rule of Law Defense Fund,"
to do #robocalls, to
urge people to go to the Jan. 6 events that Trump said would be wild, to go there on the day that Congress was supposed to be certifying the election, as he was mounting this intimidation campaign against [Vice President Mike] Pence, unleashing his followers to assail him.
And this is in the context of weeks of efforts by Trump and his lawyers and advisers --- trying to help him execute a coup.
You had the #state #attorneys #general actively involved in some of this litigation to try
️to stop other states from certifying the election.
The group itself through this "Rule of Law Defense Fund" was actively involved in
peddling the big lucrative lie about the election
to push people to go to the mall on Jan. 6.
There was sort of shock and horror that a group of state attorneys general would be involved in trying to aid the precursor events to the violent insurrection at the Capitol.
And big companies
said they weren’t going to fund RAGA. 
And so
for a moment there,
there was a bright light shining on RAGA and on the events around the capital and these AGs.
But then months later, some of those companies came back to fund RAGA.
The #accountability light was ON and then OFF for the companies that were funding RAGA in 2020.
In addition to #Leonard #Leo’s network, #Koch Industries, #Comcast, #Walmart, #Home Depot, #Amazon, #TikTok, 1-800-CONTACTS, #Chevron, the #NRA, #Monsanto, #Facebook, Fox, #Uber, #Coca-#Cola, #Exxon, and #Google were some of the main funders of it.
Of course it didn’t last.
Leonard Leo continues to be the biggest subsidizer of RAGA through the money that is coming through his network,
but it’s also the case that they’re facing
no consequences,
basically allowing them to just get away with it. 
There’s been
no consequence for them, and the Rule of Law Defense Fund still exists. 
RAGA still exists, and many of these attorneys general have been actively involved in other efforts that make it
harder for Americans to vote, and they may well be involved this fall in
a repeat of 2020 in terms of their efforts to protect Trump at any cost.