(are awesome)
...that is all.
Sorry I have left Marsh Madness alone, I kinda ran out of marsh photos and #life amiright?!
Spontaneously took a trip to cockatoo island to shake out the brain after work, and saw dozens of sailboats criss-cross each other. Four boats drove basically a hashpund pattern with a maximum of 3-5 meters distance, at speed.
Currently 1932 local, and I am watching hundreds or maybe thousands of humongous #bat fly East towards the ocean. It's like a Hitchcock movie, just with bats
Oh btw, there is too! If you want to take home any of these two, the link above gives you -15% until the 30th. :3
Or you can get them from the direct link and use BATWEEK
as code in the checkout.
Unfortunately the black ones are currently out, but if you'd like to have one, let me know and I can probably make one.
Need a bat?
I had another fabric I wanted to try out and it turned into a bat. For some reason many of my fabrics turn into plushies, not sure why that is happening. This one is different than the previous one I have made. The previous will always be a unique bat. The new fabric looks less way too long and might be more suitable for this size. :3 I'll add a video as reply so you can judge it better.
If you want a fluffy travel companion, they are available from the link below. I only have one bat.
The lovely pattern is a scaled up version from
Un son qui se rapproche de l'observateur paraitra plus aigu, un rayon lumineux sera perçu plus bleu.
Un son qui s'éloigne de l'observateur paraitra plus grave, un rayon lumineux sera perçu plus rouge.
Certaines chauves-souris utilisent l'effet Doppler pour affiner leur perception des objets en mouvement: l'écho de leur cri leur parait plus aigu si la cible se rapproche, plus grave si la cible s'éloigne.
Bat scare in Mendota business resolved by animal control officer #ACOJosephAcosta #AnimalControlOfficer #Bat #business #customers #Mendota #police #Resolved
#the100dayproject I was so busy with my theme: make beautiful things shine even more ( cleaning window glasses) that I didn’t notice who was asleep behind me in the solar sreen. #hibernation #bat
Est-ce qu'un moiré sonore devient plus agréable dans les moments de phase ?
I have these three fluffs left that are looking for a new home. :3 The black one has slightly larger eyes than the others because I was running out of the correct eye sizes. Will also be the last ones with these as I am getting different ones for my future projects. For better or worse, I will find out.
If you want any of them:
There are also still sharks left in the shop, including an unnecessarily large and pink one!