Brexit Britain is being outstripped by Slovenia and Malta #Brexit #economy #Malta
Brexit Britain is being outstripped by Slovenia and Malta #Brexit #economy #Malta
Fucking goosebumps listening to the release party production of #SleafordMods album #UKgrim and the start of their world tour. It has German subtitles and spoken in French which makes me think is that deliberate now the UK has exited the EU. You know, last album #DivideAndExit this one the result of #Brexit :).
#PunkNews #NewRelease #Press #news #BreakingNews #music #Punk
Well, the same brain fuckery was done to the UK as well, to cause it to alienate allies and break up alliances.
What was #Brexit?
Now, same thing but bigger and worse, America got brain fuckery attack and starts biting neighbors.
What was #maga ?
Protect yourself, neighbors!
We are so sorry!
Ow, ow, we are getting bitten too!
As #Trump swaggers over US campuses directing them how it's going to be, let us recall #Tory former Whip Heaton Harris who took it upon himself to write to Uni Chancellors demanding the names of academics opposed to #Brexit , & understand; browbeating institutes of higher education is absolutely a hallmark of fascism, wherever it thinks it has cemented itself in power. The sinister ERG
️ has disappeared from view, but he & his kind are still out there, hoping for a comeback.
It was from Oxford Union I believe
If only we warned somehow ….. if only there were a way to know this would happen …. #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch
Quite the article #bbc . The noxious appearanceof rent-a-mob #BurkesOfCastlebar , who really don’t deserve attention, never mind top billing. Followed by the important conversations around trade and tariffs between the #EU and #USA. And rounded out by comment from the unelected former MP Ian Paisley Jnr, a fan of #MAGA #Brexit and all round troublemaker. Creating a divide on the island of Ireland and claiming whiskey from Northern Ireland isn’t Irish.
È morta Unione Europea, viva l’Unione Europrea – di Gianni Giovannelli #Manifestazione15marzo2025aRoma #IvecoDefenceVehicles(IDV) #Elezionitedesche2025 #GianniGiovannelli #famigliaAgnelli #ImpresaLeonardo #CalinGeorgescu #EmmanuelMacron #MaurizioCrozza #MarcelCiolacu #VladimirPutin #AntonioCosta #crisieuropea #LaRepubblica #MicheleSerra #DonaldTrump #ReArmEurope #Crinali #Romania #Brexit #Europa #crisi
People seems to flock to #ReformUK as the #economy is getting worse. The party is still lead by #NigelFarage even if #elonmusk been pushing for the convicted #criminal #TommyRobinsoin
People like June Hughes thinks the #racist party will manage to deliver a better economy, the same people leads Reform UK as those behind the economical disaster #Brexit and they love what #trump is doing and want to copy it.
How fortunate we were in the UK to have had Mark Carney , now Prime Minister Designate of Canada, as Governor of the Bank of England during the vortex of nationalist hysteria that followed the #Brexit referendum. His then detractors like sniffy fake-toff Rees Mogg & Clown Car #Johnson are on the political scrap heap where they belong. Others like ludicrous ERG chair Francois have gone far underground, hoping it will all go away & leave them to spend their MP's paycheque.
Go Canada.
UK food and drink exports to the EU down 34% since Brexit #Brexit . The trade deal the UK really needs - Europe.
Le #Brexit largement plébiscité par la ruralité aura fait perdre à l'agriculture britannique 34% de ses exportations vers l' #UE sans réduire les importations en provenance de celles ci.
A traduire et faire lire à ceux de nos paysans qui voient dans le #RN une solution à leurs problèmes.
Richest farmers in England may lose sustainability funding in Defra review #Climatecrisis #Environment #Farming #UKnews #Brexit
There once were wealthy farmers in England
Whose pockets were deeply entrenched in
But Defra's review
Might take away from their view
Of sustainable practices, leaving them in a quandary again
@stux as a Brit I'd like to see it just to make our current position all the more fucking ridiculous.
As I understand it, Canada is more aligned with the EU than us anyway, clown island that we are.
We've tried telling our Prime Minister, but he just won't fucking acknowledge it.
@grrlscientist Make it 52% and you'll have an overwhelming mandate!
So, does this mean UK products are exempt?
There's a big dip in exports, it's true
UK food and drink took a hit, it's through
Since Brexit they're down
By thirty-four percent ground
To EU, a tough blow that they rue