T'Pol: "Mr. Tucker, we're going to Plan B".
I think Trip could use some Plan B sometime in the near future
T'Pol: "Mr. Tucker, we're going to Plan B".
I think Trip could use some Plan B sometime in the near future
T'Pol ought to tell U2 that she believes she has found what they were looking for.
Ah, yes, the gratuitous decontamination rub-down scenes showing people rubbing gels all over their body.
If it weren't for the American prudishness, Star Trek: Enterprise could have been something more like Torchwood
Slightly condescending there to Hoshi, weren't you T'Pol?
"Enterprise" based on "Star Trek" but didn't use the "Star Trek" in the title until Season 3.
Ooh, one of the Sulibans can squeeze through tight spaces just like Tooms from The X-Files.
nb: The episodes that involved Tooms still have me the absolute freaking squick feeling when I think about them.
Here. We go. Again. #BrokenBow #AllStarTrek
Is it me, or does #BrokenBow always happen on a Sunday?