Mastodon Post
Beauty in the Dark
Rachel Bissex - Topic
At one point, Rachel Bissex was thinking of rerecording some of her early songs. She asked people on her mailing list for suggestions. I listened to her early albums and picked "Beauty in the Dark." Whether or not Rachel planned to use it, I do not know; but she expressed definite interest in the idea.
Rachel was very broadly informed about music goings-on in and around Burlington, Vermont. When I was putting out a newsletter about New England popular music, Rachel was my go-to person for northern Vermont information.
Rachel may have been best known for "Drive All Night." She is paid fond tribute on the various artists collection, "Remembering Rachel." Its cover illustration is very pretty.
Rachel Bissex Story
from Ronny Cox at the Sebastiani Theatre by Ronny Cox
#beautyinthedark #burlingtonvermont #driveallnight #folkmusic #nemsbk #newenglandmusic #rachelbissex #rememberingrachel #ronnycox #singersongwriter #vermont #vermontmusic