EN Love nest
ES Nido de amor
DE Liebesnest
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #PENNY #ripley #13years #newgirl #SOLEIL #carei #catsanddogs #snuggles #inbed #KITTY #littlefox #kittyjuniperparker #pennyryesmalls #home #cosy #warm #winter #dog #dogs #doglove #doginfluencer #chi #chihuahuagram #chilove
EN Love nest
ES Nido de amor
DE Liebesnest
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #PENNY #ripley #13years #newgirl #SOLEIL #carei #catsanddogs #snuggles #inbed #KITTY #littlefox #kittyjuniperparker #pennyryesmalls #home #cosy #warm #winter #dog #dogs #doglove #doginfluencer #chi #chihuahuagram #chilove
EN When you forget how to dog
ES Cuando te olvidas como ser perro
DE Wenn du vergisst, wie du ein Hund bist
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #LUFFY #boxer #dog #dogs #doglove #doginfluencer #howtodog #hithere #comfy #hangingaround
EN Golden brown
ES Marron dorado
DE Goldbraun
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #PENNY #ripley #13years #newgirl #pennyryesmalls #home #cosy #warm #winter #dog #dogs #doglove #doginfluencer #chi #chihuahuagram #chilove #chihuahuasofinstagram #goldenbrown
EN The kangaroo and the fox
ES El kanguro y el zorro
DE Das Känguru und der Fuchs
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #SUMMER #lupi #summerlupinesmalls #KITTY #littlefox #kittyjuniperparker #morningwalk #rainyday #kangaroo #fox #forest #stream #galicia #favoritespot #favoritespots #green
EN Waiting for the bus
ES Esperando al autobús
DE Warten auf den Bus
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #cow #moo #countrylife #waiting #waitingforthebus #warten #vaca #kuh #landleben #surprise
EN Bluey and greenery
ES Bluey y verdes
DE Bluey und Grünzeug
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #BLUEY #blueycaileanfraser #morningwalk #blueandgreen #levada #stream #galicia #favoritespot #favoritespots #green #forest #covelo
Our little girl had a tough start into life. She was just born and was already attacked by dogs. Now has a painful wound on her neck. She needs help holding her head when she's drinking and a bodyguard in case the dogs come back. Already love you so much Wellcome to the world, Sisú!
#elmimosal #drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #sisu #SISÚ #newbaby #fowl #toughstart #caballoazul #estrella #horse #horses #horsesofinstagram #extracare #caballo #caballos #potro
EN My treasure
ES Mi tesoro
DE Mein Schatz
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #NORI #blackcat #cosy #blanky #rainbow #cat #cats #catlove #catsofinstagram #home #katze #gato #gatos #feelthelove
EN Who's that?
ES Quien es?
DE Wer ist es?
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #PENNY #ripley #13years #newgirl #pennyryesmalls #home #cosy #warm #winter #dog #dogs #doglove #doginfluencer #chi #chihuahuagram #chilove #whocanitbenow #frontcamera
EN Happiness is... four butts in the forest
ES Felicidad es... cuatro culitos en el bosque
DE Glück ist... vier Popos im Wald
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #SUMMER #lupi #summerlupinesmalls #KITTY #littlefox #kittyjuniperparker #BLUEY #blueycaileanfraser #LILLY #sia #sialillyparker #lillywonka #morningwalk #inthecountry #bytheriver #forest #stream #galicia
EN Like cats and dogs
ES Como perro y gato
DE Wie Hund und Katze
#drivingmissdaisy #drivingmissdaisy2019 #KITTY #littlefox #kittyjuniperparker #SOLEIL #carei #catsanddogs #snuggles #inbed #cosy #warm #winter #cat #cats #catlove #dog #dogs #doglove #doginfluencer
EN Dreaming
ES Soñando
DE Träumen
#drivingmissdaisy und #JOANIE #joaniemichi #joanimitchell #cat #cats #catlove #catsofinstagram #home #katze #gato #gatos #katze #sky #bluesky #sun #sunnyday #sunnyface #nap #catnap #view
#happybirthday @dan_aykroyd #danaykroyd #actor #writer #comedian #ghostbusters #afterlife #frozenempire #ZombieTown #DoctorDetroit #TradingPlaces #SpiesLikeUs #Dragnet #Coneheads #TheGreatOutdoors #TheBluesBrothers #DrivingMissDaisy #MyGirl #Evolution #PearlHarbor #ChristmaswiththeKranks #50FirstDates #Pixels
#happybirthday @morgan_freeman #morganfreenman #actor #luciusfox #batmanbegins #thedarkknight #rises #se7en #invictus #drivingmissdaisy #MyDeadFriendZoe #57Seconds #AGoodPerson #TheRitualKiller #ParadiseHighway #Oblivion #DeepImpact #BruceAlmighty #Lucy #LastKnights #NowYouSeeMe #MadamSecretary #TheNutcrackerandtheFourRealms #AngelHasFallen #HitmansWifesBodyguard