Aktuelle Dokumentation über neue, extrem rechtsradikale und gewaltbereite Jugendgruppen wie Jung & Stark (JS), Störtrupp Deutschland (DST) oder Deutsche Jugend Voran (DJV). Diese sind sehr gut untereinander, aber auch zur etablierten Neonazi- und Hooliganszene vernetzt und treten immer hemmungsloser in der Öffentlichkeit auf. Natürlich kratzt die Doku nur an der Oberfläche, ist dennoch sehenswert.
#DieSpur @ZDF #NeueRechte #Neonazis #Hooligans #js #dst #djv #Faschisten
Before we lost an hour due to #DST, I was waking up regularly at 6-630AM.
Now I'm getting up at 7-730AM but I still go to bed at the same time around 1AM.
So did I really gain an hour's sleep due to DST?
Still adjusting to #DaylightSavingTime?
During #WWII, UK used double summer time. Springing forward 2 hours (UTC+2), but only falling back 1 hour (UTC+1+.
Economic & health effects of #DST remain controversial.
#timekeeping #time #histsci
illustration courtesy geralt via Pixabay
#Sunset after 7 pm just a few days into daylight saving time.
#daylightsavingtime #DST #time
Third day of #DST, and I'm still a zombie.
I've been waking early of late. Part of the cause is likely the mornings getting lighter.
Now, whilst the UK's shift to DST (30th March) will partially reverse that, this will not be a good thing, because it just means I'll go through the same thing *again* when morning light levels have shifted by another hour.
And I know I'll struggle for a few days to a week with the "one hour less sleep" due to the change.
Abolish DST ! The switching is more of a problem than any benefit from, in effect, shifting business hours!
We got an extra hour of sunlight, and don't even know what to do with it.
If your local legislator is pushing for permanent daylight savings time, you know who is behind this. #dst #NoDST
Person 1: "My life doesn't suck quite as much as it possibly could."
Guy about to invent #DST: "Hold on-"
The real reason Dr. Manhattan went to Mars is that even with his non-linear perception of time he still couldn't figure out how to schedule online meetings when only some people switch to #DST
(Mars does have seasons btw)
@sundogplanets I think #DST should be outlawed as it's #torture and a #scam!
I am a daylight saving time zombie. Will probably play this song on repeat today.
5:35 am PDT in the US and it's still over two more hours to sunrise
Fuck Daylight "Savings" Time
Spending a week in Sedona climbing & hiking for my birthday: Fun!
Traveling back to NC from AZ the day after the time change: Not Fun.
Having our ATL-RDU flight delayed an hour, so we landed at midnight rather than 11pm: Not Fucking Fun At All.
I really hope I don't have to brain too hard today...
(My biggest challenge will probably be adulting rather than spending the day triaging and organizing my photos. Soooo many photos!)
When will these people stop this nonsense!? #DST