#HappyBirthday @realmikejfox #michaeljfox #actor #familyties #BackToTheFuture #TeenWolf #thesecretofmysuccess #casualtiesofwar #DocHollywood #thefrighteners #spincity #marsattack #StuartLittle #backhomeagain #BostonLegal #TheGoodWife #TheGoodFight @streammaxla @backtothefuturehq
#remembering #bibibesch #actress #carolmarcus #startrek #thewrathofkhan #whosthatgirl #tremors #steelmagnolias #thedayafter #cagneyandlacy #thesixmilliondollarman #thebeastwithin #familyties #thegoldengirls #northenexposure #betsyswedding #myfamily #californiamyth #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @hbomaxla @tcmla
Death rates are dropping
Still increasing just flatter
Fentanyl still takes
#haiku #Overdose My insurance agent lost their 20 y/o son last week. It was in the obituary. West Virginia leads by a wide margin. Delaware second. #Fentanyl #DrugWar 10 years every year an increase #Today Josh won't be home for Xmas #FamilyTies https://usafacts.org/articles/are-fentanyl-overdose-deaths-rising-in-the-us/
Ivanka rolling
Kushner crisis phoning in
Donny the dough boy
#haiku #trump
#USA #GOP #FamilyTies #DaddyDaughterDance #Witnesses #Humour #NotFunny @GottaLaff